
High-level API usage

High-level API allows to parse captcha by one line of code:

from antigate import AntiGate

print AntiGate('API-KEY', 'captcha.jpg') # secondary param can be filename or bytes or base64

Send abuse

If captcha is not valid, you can send abuse:

from antigate import AntiGate

gate = AntiGate('API-KEY', 'captcha.jpg')
if str(gate) != 'qwerty':

Get balance

Get account balance:

from antigate import AntiGate

gate = AntiGate('API-KEY')
print gate.balance()

Get statistics

Get statistics data for current account:

from antigate import AntiGate

gate = AntiGate('API-KEY')
print gate.stats()

Get system load

Before request send, you can check system loads:

from antigate import AntiGate

gate = AntiGate('API-KEY')
print gate.load()

Low-level API usage

Captcha params:

from antigate import AntiGate

config = {'min_len': '3', 'max_len': '5', 'phrase': '2'}

gate = AntiGate('API-KEY', send_config=config)

captcha_id1 = gate.send('captcha1.jpg')
captcha_id2 = gate.send('captcha2.jpg')

print gate.get(captcha_id1)
print gate.get(captcha_id2)

Multiple requests

Get results for multiple ids:

from antigate import AntiGate

gate = AntiGate('API-KEY', auto_run=False)

captcha_id1 = gate.send('captcha1.jpg')
captcha_id2 = gate.send('captcha2.jpg')

print gate.get_multi([captcha_id1, captcha_id2])

Base64 and Bytes

Bytes example:

# Per line binary example
print AntiGate('API-KEY',

# Custom requests
gate = AntiGate('API-KEY')
captcha_id = gate.send(b64encode(
print gate.get(captcha_id)

Base64 example:

# Per line base64 example
print AntiGate('API-KEY', b64encode(

# Custom requests
gate = AntiGate('API-KEY')
captcha_id = gate.send(
print gate.get(captcha_id)

Default params

Available params:

  api_key,               # antigate api key
  captcha_file=None,     # can be filename or bytes or base64
  auto_run=True,         # old param for compatibility
  grab_config=None,      # some configs which will be used by https backends
  send_config=None,      # antigate captcha params
  domain='', # antigate domain name
  check_interval=10,     # interval to next check, when captcha is not ready
  send_interval=0.1,     # interval to next send, when slots will not be available