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Comparison and Combination of Forward and Reverse ModeΒΆ

We show here how the forward and the reverse mode of AD are used and show that they produce the same result. It is also shown how the forward and the reverse mode can be combined to compute the Hessian of a function

We consider the function \(f:\mathbb R^N \times \mathbb R^N\rightarrow \mathbb R\) defined by

\[x,y \mapsto z = x^T y + (x \circ y - x)^T (x-y)\]

We want to compute the Hessian of that function. The following code shows how this can be accomplished by a combined forward/reverse computation.

import numpy
from algopy import CGraph, Function, UTPM, dot, qr, eigh, inv, zeros

def f(x,y):
    return dot(x.T, y) +  dot((x*y-x).T, (x-y))

# create an UTPM instance
D,N,M = 2,3,2
P = 2*N

x = UTPM(numpy.zeros((D,P,2*N,1)))[0,:] = numpy.random.rand(2*N,1)[1,:,:,0] = numpy.eye(P)
y = x[N:]
x = x[:N]

# wrap the UTPM instance in a Function instance to trace all operations 
# that have x as an argument
# create a CGraph instance that to store the computational trace
cg = CGraph().trace_on()
x = Function(x)
y = Function(y)
z = f(x,y)

# define dependent and independent variables in the computational procedure
cg.independentFunctionList = [x,y]
cg.dependentFunctionList = [z]

# Since the UTPM instrance is wrapped in a Function instance we have to access it
# by y.x. That means the Jacobian is
grad1 =[1,:,0]

print('forward gradient g(x) = \n', grad1)

# Now we want to compute the same Jacobian in the reverse mode of AD
# before we do that we have a look what the computational graph looks like:
# print 'Computational graph is', cg

# the reverse mode is called by cg.pullback([ybar])
# it is a little hard to explain what's going on here. Suffice to say that we
# now compute one row of the Jacobian instead of one column as in the forward mode

zbar = z.x.zeros_like()

# compute gradient in the reverse mode[0,:,0,0] = 1
grad2_x =[0,0]
grad2_y =[0,0]
grad2 = numpy.concatenate([grad2_x, grad2_y])

print('reverse gradient g(x) = \n', grad2)

#check that the forward computed gradient equals the reverse gradient
print('difference forward/reverse gradient=\n',grad1 - grad2)

# one can also easiliy extract the Hessian
H = numpy.zeros((2*N,2*N))
H[:,:N] =[1,:,:,0]
H[:,N:] =[1,:,:,0]

print('Hessian = \n', H)