Logistic Regression ---------------------------- In this example we want to use AlgoPy to help compute the maximum likelihood estimates for a nonlinear model. It is based on this `question `_ on the scicomp stackexchange. Here is the python code: .. literalinclude:: logistic_regression.py Here is its output:: hardcoded good values: [-0.10296645 -0.0332327 -0.01209484 0.44626211 0.92554137 0.53973828 1.7993371 0.7148045 ] neg log likelihood for good values: 102.173732637 hardcoded okay values: [-0.1 -0.03 -0.01 0.44 0.92 0.53 1.8 0.71] neg log likelihood for okay values: 104.084160515 maximum likelihood estimates: [-0.10296655 -0.0332327 -0.01209484 0.44626209 0.92554133 0.53973824 1.79933696 0.71480445] neg log likelihood for maximum likelihood estimates: 102.173732637