xd.docker.client module

Module containing DockerClient and associated exceptions.

class xd.docker.client.DockerClient(host=None)[source]

Bases: object

Docker client.

A DockerClient instance is used to communicate with Docker daemon (or something else that is speaking Docker Remote API).

Parameters:host (Optional[str]) – URL to Docker daemon socket to connect to.

Connect to docker daemon on localhost TCP socket:

>>> docker = DockerClient('tcp://')

Connect to docker daemon on UNIX domain socket:

>>> docker = DockerClient('unix:///var/run/docker.sock')

Get Docker Remote API version.

Raises:ServerError – Server error.
Return type:Tuple[int, int]
Returns:Major/minor version number of Docker daemon (Docker Remote API).

Ping the docker server.

Raises:ServerError – Server error.
Return type:None

Get list of containers.

By default, only running containers are returned.

Keyword Arguments:

only_running – List only running containers (if True), or all containers (if False).

  • ClientError – Bad parameter.
  • ServerError – Server error.
Return type:



List of containers.


Get list of images.

Images returned does only contain partial information. To obtain detailed information, use image_inspect or Image.inspect on the Image in question.

Raises:ServerError – Server error.
Return type:List[Image]
Returns:List of images.

Get image with low-level information.

Get low-level information of a named image. Returns Image instance with the information.

Parameters:name (str) – name of image.
Return type:Image
image_build(context, output=('error', 'stream', 'status'), dockerfile=None, tag=None, cache=True, pull=None, rm=None, force_rm=None, host_config=None, registry_config=None, buildargs=None)[source]

Build an image from a Dockerfile.

Build image from a given context or stand-alone Dockerfile.

  • context (str) – path to directory containing build context, or path to a stand-alone Dockerfile.
  • output – tuple/list of with type of output information to allow (Default: (‘stream’, ‘status’, ‘error’)).
  • dockerfile (Optional[str]) – path to dockerfile in build context.
  • tag (Union[Repository, str, None]) – repository name and tag to be applied to the resulting image.
  • cache (bool) – use the cache when building the image (default: True).
  • pull (Optional[bool]) – attempt to pull the image even if an older image exists locally (default: False).
  • rm (Optional[bool]) – False/True. Remove intermediate containers after a successful build (default: True).
  • force_rm (Optional[bool]) – False/True. Always remove intermediate containers after build (default: False).
  • host_config (Optional[HostConfig]) – HostConfig instance.
  • registry_config (Optional[RegistryAuthConfig]) – RegistryAuthConfig instance.
  • buildargs (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – build-time environment variables.
image_pull(name, registry_auth=None, output=('error', 'stream', 'status'))[source]

Pull image.

Create an image by pulling it from a registry.

  • name – name of the image to pull.
  • output – tuple/list of with type of output information to allow (Default: (‘stream’, ‘status’, ‘error’)).

Remove an image.

Remove the image name from the filesystem.

Parameters:name – name of the image to remove.
image_tag(image, tag=None, force=None)[source]

Tag an image.

Add tag to an existing image.

  • image – image to add tag to.
  • tag (Union[Repository, str, None]) – repository name and optionally tag.
  • force (Optional[bool]) – force creation of tag.
container_create(config, name=None, mounts=None, host_config=None, pull=True)[source]

Create a new container.

Create a new container based on existing image.

  • config (ContainerConfig) – ContainerConfig instance.
  • name (Union[ContainerName, str, None]) – name to assign to container.
  • mounts (Optional[Sequence[VolumeMount]]) – mount points in the container (list of strings).
  • host_config (Optional[HostConfig]) – HostConfig instance.
  • pull (bool) – Pull image if needed.
container_remove(container, force=None, volumes=None)[source]

Remove a container.

Remove a container and (optionally) the associated volumes.

  • container (Union[Container, ContainerName, str]) – The container to remove (id or name).
  • force (Optional[bool]) – Kill then remove the container.
  • volumes (Optional[bool]) – Remove the volumes associated to the container.

Start a container.

Parameters:container (Union[Container, ContainerName, str]) – The container to start (id or name).
Returns:True if container was started. False if container was already started.

Block until container stops.

Block until container stops, then returns the exit code.

Parameters:container (Union[Container, ContainerName, str]) – The container to remove (id or name).
Return type:int
Returns:Container exit code.
container_stop(container, timeout=None)[source]

Stop container.

Stop the container, and optionally killing the container after a timeout.

  • container (Union[Container, ContainerName, str]) – The container to remove (id or name).
  • timeout (Optional[int]) – Number of seconds to wait before killing the container.

True if container was stopped. False if container was already stopped.

container_restart(container, timeout=None)[source]

Restart container.

Restart the container, and optionally killing the container after a timeout waiting for the container to stop.

  • container (Union[Container, ContainerName, str]) – The container to remove (id or name).
  • timeout (Optional[int]) – Number of seconds to wait before killing the container.
container_kill(container, signal=None)[source]

Kill container.

Send signal to container, and (maybe) wait for the container to exit.

Note: Prior to Docker version 1.8, kill succeeds (without actually doing anything) when run on existing but stopped containers. Docker 1.8 and newer fails out with a ServerError exception.

  • container (Union[Container, ContainerName, str]) – The container to remove (id or name).
  • signal (Union[int, str, None]) – Signal to send to container.