Document your API

Web services without a proper documentation are usually useless.

To make it easy to document your own API, WSME provides a Sphinx extension.

Install the extension

Here we consider that you already quick-started a sphinx project.

  1. In your file, add 'ext' to your extensions, and optionally set the enabled protocols.

    extensions = ['ext']
    wsme_protocols = ['restjson', 'restxml', 'extdirect']
  2. Copy toggle.js and toggle.css in your _static directory.

The wsme domain

The extension will add a new Sphinx domain providing a few directives.

Config values


A list of strings that are WSME protocol names. If provided by an additional package (for example WSME-Soap or WSME-ExtDirect), that package must be installed.

The types and services generated documentation will include code samples for each of these protocols.


A string that is the full name of the service root controller. It will be used to determinate the relative path of the other controllers when they are autodocumented, and calculate the complete webpath of the other controllers.


A string that is the webpath where the wsme_root is mounted.


.. root:: <WSRoot full path>

Define the service root controller for this documentation source file. To set it globally, see wsme_root.

A webpath option allows override of wsme_webpath.


.. wsme:root:: myapp.controllers.MyWSRoot
    :webpath: /api
.. service:: name/space/ServiceName

Declare a service.

.. type:: MyComplexType

Equivalent to the py:class directive to document a complex type

.. attribute:: aname

Equivalent to the py:attribute directive to document a complex type attribute. It takes an additional :type: field.


Source Result
.. wsme:root:: wsmeext.sphinxext.SampleService
    :webpath: /api

.. wsme:type:: MyType

    .. wsme:attribute:: test

        :type: int

.. wsme:service:: name/space/SampleService

    .. wsme:function:: doit
type MyType
service name/space/SampleService
function getType

Returns a MyType

Autodoc directives

Theses directives scan your code to generate the documentation from the docstrings and your API types and controllers.

.. autotype:: myapp.MyType

Generate the myapp.MyType documentation.

.. autoattribute:: myapp.MyType.aname

Generate the myapp.MyType.aname documentation.

.. autoservice:: myapp.MyService

Generate the myapp.MyService documentation.

.. autofunction:: myapp.MyService.myfunction

Generate the myapp.MyService.myfunction documentation.

Full Example

Python source

class SampleType(object):
    """A Sample Type"""

    #: A Int
    aint = int

    def __init__(self, aint=None):
        if aint:
            self.aint = aint

    def sample(cls):
        return cls(10)

class SampleService(wsme.WSRoot):
    @wsme.validate(SampleType, int, str)
    def change_aint(data, aint, dummy='useless'):
        :param aint: The new value

        :return: The data object with its aint field value changed.
        data.aint = aint
        return data

Documentation source

.. default-domain:: wsmeext

.. type:: int

    An integer

.. autotype:: wsmeext.sphinxext.SampleType

.. autoservice:: wsmeext.sphinxext.SampleService


type SampleType

A Sample Type

Data samples:

    "aint": 10
<Element 'value' at 0x2ae6d2703db0>
    "aint": 10

A Int

service /
SampleService.change_aint(data, aint, dummy='useless')[source]
Parameters:aint – The new value
Returns:The data object with its aint field value changed.