Source code for vacca.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python

## This file is part of Taurus, a Tango User Interface Library
## Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
## Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with Taurus.  If not, see <>.

__doc__ = """vacca.utils python module, by

vacca.utils contains several methods and classes for:
 - manage environment variables
 - loading config files
 - manipulate Qt color palettes
 - custom Taurus event filters
This file is part of Tango Control System

Environment Variables

Variables can be declared in OS or as Tango.VACCA free properties

VACCA_CONFIG: *get_config_file()*

    The config file to be loaded, it can be absolute path or 
    relative to VACCA_DIR.
    e.g. /homelocal/sicilia/applications/vacca/
VACCA_DIR: *wdir('path/to/icon')* 

    The folder were VACCA should be executed, all paths within 
    the application will be relative to it. It includes all custom icons 
    that are not part of the vacca package.

    If VACCA_CONFIG is defined, it defaults to the path to config file.
    At ALBA installations it defaults to the path of vaccagui library.    
    Extra modules or plugins to be imported will be loaded from this directory.
    e.g. /homelocal/sicilia/applications/vacca/
VACCA_PATH: *vpath('path/to/icon')*

    Not mandatory, it defaults to the path of vacca library.
    Used for launchers and default icons of vacca widgets.

    e.g. /homelocal/sicilia/lib/python/site-packages/vacca


import os,sys,traceback,imp,time,re
import fandango
from fandango import printf,get_database,first
from fandango.dicts import SortedDict
from fandango.qt import Qt
from taurus.qt.qtgui.base import TaurusBaseComponent
from taurus.core.util.eventfilters import ONLY_CHANGE_AND_PERIODIC
from taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui.utils import PanelDescription


DB_HOST = fandango.tango.get_tango_host().split(':')[0]

[docs]def get_env_variable(var,default=''): """ It will try to get value from OS, then Tango.VACCA, then default """ v = os.environ.get(var,None) if v: return v try: v = fandango.get_database().get_property('VACCA',var)[var] v = v[0] if v and len(v) == 1 else v if v: return v except: traceback.print_exc() return default
[docs]def get_class_property(dev_class,prop,extract=False): db = fandango.get_database() props = db.get_class_property(dev_class,prop) if prop in props: v = props[prop] if fandango.isSequence(v): v = list(v) if v == ['']: return [] if extract and fandango.isSequence(v) and len(v)==1: v = v[0] return v return []
[docs]def get_vacca_property(prop,extract=False): print('get_vacca_property(%s)'%prop) db = fandango.get_database() props = db.get_property('VACCA',prop) if prop in props: v = props[prop] if fandango.isSequence(v): v = list(v) else: v = [v] if not any(v): return [] for i,vv in enumerate(v): v[i] = vv = replace_env(vv,'VACCA_PATH') v[i] = vv = replace_env(vv,'VACCA_DIR') if extract and len(v)==1: v = v[0] return v return [] if not extract else ''
[docs]def replace_env(text,var,value=None): if value is None: value = os.getenv(var) e = '[$][(]?'+var+'[)]?(?![a-zA-Z_0-9])' return re.sub(e,str(value),text) ###############################################################################
global VACCA_PATH VACCA_PATH = get_env_variable('VACCA_PATH', imp.find_module('vacca')[1]) """ VACCA_PATH: *vpath('path/to/icon')* Path to the VACCA library parent folder, tipically used for icons of vacca package Note, vpath(folder) will append /vacca to VACCA_PATH, to get internal vacca files. e.g. VACCA_PATH = /homelocal/sicilia/lib/python/site-packages e.g. vpath = /homelocal/sicilia/lib/python/site-packages/vacca """ os.environ['VACCA_PATH'] = VACCA_PATH if VACCA_PATH+'/ini' not in sys.path: sys.path.append(VACCA_PATH+'/ini') global VACCA_DIR VACCA_DIR = get_env_variable('VACCA_DIR', get_env_variable('WORKING_DIR','')) VACCA_DIR = replace_env(VACCA_DIR,'VACCA_PATH',VACCA_PATH) or VACCA_PATH """ VACCA_DIR: *wdir('path/to/icon')* The folder were VACCA should be executed, all paths within the application will be relative to it. It includes all custom icons that are not part of the vacca package. Extra modules or plugins to be imported will be loaded from this directory. e.g. /homelocal/sicilia/applications/vacca/ """ #Needed for backwards compatibility #VACCA_DIR NOT FORCED HERE TO ALLOW OVERRIDE BY VACCA_CONFIG WORKING_DIR = VACCA_DIR DEFAULT_PATH = WORKING_DIR global VACCA_CONFIG VACCA_CONFIG = get_env_variable('VACCA_CONFIG',DB_HOST+'.py') VACCA_CONFIG = replace_env(replace_env(VACCA_CONFIG,'VACCA_DIR',VACCA_DIR), 'VACCA_PATH',VACCA_PATH) VACCA_CONFIG = VACCA_CONFIG if os.path.isfile(VACCA_CONFIG) else VACCA_PATH+'/' """ VACCA_CONFIG: The config file to be loaded, it can be absolute path or relative to WORKING_DIR. *get_config_file()* will import it and return the content as a python module. e.g. /homelocal/sicilia/applications/vacca/ """ ###############################################################################
[docs]def _joiner(a,s,b): return '%s%s%s'%(a or '',s if a and b and s not in (a[-1],b[0]) else '',b or '')
[docs]def wdir(s=''): #It tries to convert all paths to absolute global VACCA_DIR d = VACCA_DIR = os.getenv('VACCA_DIR') if not d and not os.path.exists(s): d = os.path.dirname(VACCA_CONFIG) d = _joiner(d,'/',s) return d
[docs]def vpath(s=''): #It tries to convert all paths to absolute global VACCA_PATH VACCA_PATH = os.getenv('VACCA_PATH') s2 = _joiner(VACCA_PATH,'/',s) return s2 ###############################################################################
global VACCA_PROFILES VACCA_PROFILES=[] """ VACCA_PROFILES: Sets of environment variables declared as free properties in the Tango Database. """
[docs]def create_config_properties(): global VACCA_PATH configs = ['DEFAULT'] get_database().put_property('VACCA',{ 'VaccaConfigs':configs}) get_database().put_property('VACCA',{ 'DEFAULT':['VACCA_CONFIG='+VACCA_PATH+'/']}) print('Created default VACCA properties') return get_config_properties()
[docs]def load_config_properties(config,export=True): """ It will load env variables from VACCA.$config property NOT USED!? """ print('In load_config_properties(%s)'%config) props = get_vacca_property(config) props = [l.split('#')[0].strip() for l in props] props = dict(l.split('=',1) for l in props if l) if export: global VACCA_CONFIG,VACCA_DIR,VACCA_PATH if not VACCA_DIR and 'VACCA_DIR' in props: VACCA_DIR=props['VACCA_DIR'] if not VACCA_PATH and 'VACCA_PATH' in props: VACCA_CONFIG=props['VACCA_PATH'] if not VACCA_CONFIG and 'VACCA_CONFIG' in props: l=props['VACCA_CONFIG'] for p in ('VACCA_DIR','VACCA_PATH'): l=replace_env(l,p,globals()[p]) VACCA_CONFIG = props['VACCA_CONFIG'] = l if not VACCA_DIR and '/' in VACCA_CONFIG: VACCA_DIR=os.path.dirname(VACCA_CONFIG) print(props) return props
[docs]def get_config_properties(config=''): #print('vacca.utils.get_config_properties(%s)'%config) global VACCA_PROFILES if not VACCA_PROFILES: VACCA_PROFILES = SortedDict() for k in get_vacca_property('VaccaConfigs',False): VACCA_PROFILES[k] = {} if not config: r = VACCA_PROFILES else: if not VACCA_PROFILES.get(config): VACCA_PROFILES[config] = [l.split('#')[0].strip() \ for l in get_vacca_property(config,False)] config = VACCA_PROFILES[config] r = dict(l.split('=',1) for l in config if l) return r
[docs]def get_config_file(config=None): global VACCA_CONFIG,VACCA_DIR print('-')*80 if not config: VACCA_CONFIG = get_env_variable('VACCA_CONFIG',DB_HOST) configs = get_config_properties() if VACCA_CONFIG in configs: CONFIG_FILE = get_config_properties(VACCA_CONFIG).get('CONFIG_FILE',VACCA_CONFIG) else: CONFIG_FILE = VACCA_CONFIG #CONFIG_FILE = CONFIG_FILE.replace('$VACCA_DIR',VACCA_DIR or '').replace('$VACCA_PATH',VACCA_PATH or '') CONFIG_FILE = replace_env(CONFIG_FILE,'VACCA_DIR',VACCA_DIR or '') CONFIG_FILE = replace_env(CONFIG_FILE,'VACCA_PATH',VACCA_PATH or '') else: CONFIG_FILE = config print('In get_config_file(%s)'%CONFIG_FILE) if not CONFIG_FILE.startswith('/'): if not os.path.isfile(CONFIG_FILE): cf = os.path.abspath(CONFIG_FILE) CONFIG_FILE = cf if os.path.isfile(cf) else wdir(CONFIG_FILE) print CONFIG_FILE if not fandango.linos.file_exists(CONFIG_FILE): if fandango.linos.file_exists(CONFIG_FILE+'.py'): CONFIG_FILE += '.py' else: print('WARNING: %s config file not found!'%CONFIG_FILE) return print 'VaccaGUI: Loading %s ...' % CONFIG_FILE try: CONFIG = globals().get(CONFIG_FILE,fandango.objects.loadModule(CONFIG_FILE)) #print '\n'.join(sorted('\t%s:\t%s'%(k,getattr(CONFIG,k)) for k in dir(CONFIG) if not k.startswith('_'))) except: print traceback.format_exc() raise Exception,'Unable to load %s' % CONFIG_FILE print('Out of get_config_file(...)\n') return CONFIG ############################################################################### # Miscellaneous methods to be used with Taurus GUI
[docs]def get_os_launcher(cmd,args=[]): """ Returns a Linux launcher method for "cmd". @TODO: Study Taurus.ExternalApp and use the same methods used there. """ import os cmd += ' '.join(args) if '&' not in cmd: cmd+='&' f = (lambda : os.system(cmd)) return f
[docs]def get_main_window(app=None): from PyQt4 import Qt app = app or Qt.QApplication.instance() main = fandango.first((a for a in app.allWidgets() if isinstance(a,Qt.QMainWindow)),default=None) return main
[docs]def get_taurus_gui(app=None): try: #find actual Taurusgui Instance app = app or Qt.QApplication.instance() assert app except: traceback.print_exc() return try: taurusgui = None widgets = app.allWidgets() for widget in widgets: widgetType = str(type(widget)) if widgetType.endswith('TaurusGui'): taurusgui = widget return taurusgui except: traceback.print_exc() return
[docs]def get_shared_data_manager(): """ sdm = get_shared_data_manager() #Qt.qApp.SDM Singletone sdm.connectReader('channelName',objectInstance.method,readOnConnect=False) #Using instantiated object/function instead of names!! sdm.connectWriter('SelectedInstrument',out_hook,'modelChanged') #'Channel', object, 'qt signal name' """ try: return Qt.qApp.SDM except: print('Shared Data Manager is not available! (no TaurusGUI instance?)') return None
[docs]def get_shared_data_signals(): """ Return the dictionary of signals and registered Qt objects. """ try: sdm = get_shared_data_manager() signals = {} for k,v in sdm._SharedDataManager__models.items(): signals[k] = {'readers':[],'writers':[]} for o,s in v._DataModel__readerSlots: signals[k]['readers'].append((o(),s)) for o,s in v._DataModel__writerSignals: signals[k]['writers'].append((o(),s)) return signals except: traceback.print_exc() return {} ############################################################################### # Methods for managing palettes
[docs]def get_solid_brush(r, g, b, pattern=None): from taurus.external.qt import Qt brush = Qt.QBrush(Qt.QColor(r, g, b)) brush.setStyle(Qt.Qt.SolidPattern if pattern is None else pattern) return brush
[docs]def get_White_palette(palette = None): from taurus.external.qt import Qt if palette is None: palette = Qt.QPalette() for e in (Qt.QPalette.Base,Qt.QPalette.Window): #QtGui.QPalette.BrightText,QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText,Qt.QPalette.Button for r in (Qt.QPalette.Active, Qt.QPalette.Inactive, Qt.QPalette.Disabled): palette.setBrush(r, e, get_solid_brush(255, 255, 255)) return palette
[docs]def get_halfWhite_palette(palette = None): from taurus.external.qt import Qt if palette is None: palette = Qt.QPalette() palette.setBrush(Qt.QPalette.Active, Qt.QPalette.Button, get_solid_brush(255, 255, 255)) palette.setBrush(Qt.QPalette.Inactive, Qt.QPalette.Button, get_solid_brush(255, 255, 255)) palette.setBrush(Qt.QPalette.Disabled, Qt.QPalette.Button, get_solid_brush(255, 255, 255)) return palette
[docs]def get_fullWhite_palette(palette = None): from taurus.external.qt import Qt if palette is None: palette = Qt.QPalette() palette = get_halfWhite_palette(palette) palette = get_White_palette(palette) return palette ############################################################################### # Methods for using Taurus Event Filters
import fandango as f
[docs]class EventFilter(object): """ Generic event filter for taurus """ def __init__(self,condition=None): self.condition = condition def __call__(self,s,t,v): if (self.condition() if f.isCallable(self.condition) else self.condition): return s,t,v else: return None
[docs]class EventCounter(EventFilter): """ Generic event counter for taurus """ @f.Catched def __call__(self,s,t,v): try: src = s.getFullName() except: src = str(s) if not hasattr(self,'counts'): self.counts = f.defaultdict(int) self.counts[src] += 1 return s,t,v
[docs]class OnChangeOrTimeEventFilter(EventFilter): """ The instances of this class will be callables that can be used as filters of repeated-value events. If the event type is Change or Periodic, it will only pass when its evt_value.value is different from that of the last event received from the same source and type. If evt_value.value is not available in the current event, the whole evt_value is used for comparison and as a future reference. But!, if setMaxDeltaTime is set, then any event that occurred more than Delta Time seconds after the last one will be allowed to pass through the chain. This is useful to avoid processing repetitive events. Note that you cannot use this class as a filter: you need to use an instance of it. Note 2: Use a different instance each time you insert this filter into a different widget unless you *really* know what you are doing. Example of usage:: evf = OnChangeOrTimeEventFilter() evf.setDeltaTime(60.) filters = [evf, IGNORE_CONFIG] MyTaurusComponentInstance.setEventFilters(filters,preqt=True) filterEvent(s, t, v, filters) """ def __init__(self): self._lastValues = {} self._lastTimes = {} self.deltaValue = 0 self.deltaTime = 0
[docs] def setDeltaValue(self,mindiff): self.deltaValue = mindiff
[docs] def setDeltaTime(self,mindiff): self.deltaTime = mindiff
@f.Catched def __call__(self, s, t, v): # restrict this filter only to change and periodic events. if ONLY_CHANGE_AND_PERIODIC(s, t, v) is None: return s,t,v # block event if we recorded one before with same src, type and v.value new_value = getattr(v, 'value', v) try: new_time = ctime2time(v.time) except: new_time = time.time() try: if self._lastValues[(s, t)] == new_value and (not self.deltaTime or new_time<self._lastTimes[s]+self.deltaTime): return None except KeyError: pass # if it was't blocked, store src, type and v.value for future checks self._lastValues[(s, t)] = new_value self._lastTimes[s] = new_time return s, t, v @staticmethod def __test__(): import taurus,time from vacca.utils import EventFilter,EventCounter,OnChangeOrTimeEventFilter,MyTaurusComponent tbc = MyTaurusComponent('test') attr1,attr2 = 'test/sim/tonto/temperature','test/sim/tonto/temperate' tbc.setMyHandler(lambda *args:fandango.printf(str( (time.ctime(),getattr(args[-1],'value',args[-1]), taurus.Attribute(attr2).read().value)))) evf = OnChangeOrTimeEventFilter() evf.setDeltaTime(10.) tbc.setEventFilters((evf,)) tbc.setEventBufferPeriod(3.) tbc.setModel(attr1) ta = tbc.getModelObj() ta.changePollingPeriod(1000) ############################################################################### # QT Helping Classes
[docs]def add_menu(menuname,actions): ''' The arguments must be a list of tuples with action names and action methods. e.g.: EXTRA_MENUS = [ ('Tools',[ ('LTB Gui',lambda:os.system('vacca_LTB &'),None), ('Jive',lambda:os.system('jive &'),None), ('Astor',lambda:os.system('astor &'),None), ('EPS Gui',lambda:os.system('alba_EPS &'),None), ('Valves',lambda:valves.ValvesChooser().show(),None), ('TaurusTrend',lambda:os.system('taurustrend -a &'),None), ]), ''' print 'Adding new menu %s'%menuname self = get_main_window() MenuBar = self.menuBar() newmenu = Qt.QMenu(MenuBar) newmenu.setTitle(menuname) newmenu.setObjectName(menuname) newaction = Qt.QAction(MenuBar) for name,method,mnemonic in actions: act = Qt.QAction(newmenu) act.setObjectName(name) act.setText(name) newmenu.addAction(act) Qt.QObject.connect(act,Qt.SIGNAL("triggered()"),method) #self.MenuBar.addAction(newmenu.menuAction()) MenuBar.insertMenu(newaction,newmenu) return
[docs]class WidgetAcceptDrops(object): """ Template for Taurus widgets accepting drops, deprecated by fandango.qt.Dropable """ TAURUS_DEV_MIME_TYPE = TAURUS_DEV_MIME_TYPE TAURUS_ATTR_MIME_TYPE = TAURUS_ATTR_MIME_TYPE TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE = TAURUS_MODEL_MIME_TYPE TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE = TAURUS_MODEL_LIST_MIME_TYPE TEXT_MIME_TYPE = 'text/plain' _supportedMimeTypes = None
[docs] def checkDrops(self): try: self.setAcceptDrops(True) except: pass
[docs] def getSupportedMimeTypes(self): self.checkDrops() if self._supportedMimeTypes is not None: return self._supportedMimeTypes else: return [TEXT]
[docs] def setSupportedMimeTypes(self,mimes): self._supportedMimeTypes = mimes
[docs] def setDropEventCallback(self,callback): self._dropeventcallback = callback # ENABLING DROP OF DEVICE NAMES :
[docs] def checkSupportedMimeType(self,event,accept=False): if any(t in self.getSupportedMimeTypes() for t in event.mimeData().formats()): if accept: event.acceptProposedAction() return True return False
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self,event): self.checkSupportedMimeType(event,accept=True)
[docs] def dragMoveEvent(self,event): event.acceptProposedAction()
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): '''reimplemented to support drag&drop of models. See :class:`QWidget`''' print 'In dropEvent',event for t in self.getSupportedMimeTypes(): try: t = str(event.mimeData().data(t)) try: if t.strip(): print t self._dropeventcallback(t) return except: except: pass self.debug('Invalid data (%s) for MIMETYPE'%(repr(d))) event.acceptProposedAction()
[docs]class Draggable(object): """ Template for Taurus widgets accepting drops, deprecated by fandango.qt.Draggable """ def __init__(self): self._drageventcallback = lambda s=self:s.text() if hasattr(s,'text') else ''
[docs] def setDragEventCallback(self,hook): self._drageventcallback = hook
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): '''reimplemented to provide drag events''' print 'In DefaultLabelWidget.mousePressEvent' Qt.QLabel.mousePressEvent(self, event) if event.button() == Qt.Qt.LeftButton: self.dragStartPosition = event.pos()
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): '''reimplemented to provide drag events''' if not event.buttons() & Qt.Qt.LeftButton: return mimeData = Qt.QMimeData() txt = str(self._drageventcallback()) print 'Draggable.mouseMoveEvent',self._drageventcallback,txt mimeData.setText(txt) drag = Qt.QDrag(self) drag.setMimeData(mimeData) drag.setHotSpot(event.pos() - self.rect().topLeft()) dropAction = drag.start(Qt.Qt.CopyAction)
[docs]class DraggableLabel(Draggable,Qt.QLabel): def __init__(self,parent=None,text=''): Qt.QLabel.__init__(self,text) Draggable.__init__(self)
[docs]def YesNoDialog(title,message): v = Qt.QMessageBox.warning(None,title,message, \ Qt.QMessageBox.Yes|Qt.QMessageBox.No); return v == Qt.QMessageBox.Yes
[docs]class MyTaurusComponent(TaurusBaseComponent,Qt.QObject): def __init__(self,name='test'): Qt.QObject.__init__(self) TaurusBaseComponent.__init__(self,name) self.my_handler = f.printf
[docs] def fireEvent(self, evt_src=None, evt_type=None, evt_value=None): if self._eventBufferPeriod: # If we have an active event buffer delay, store the event... with self._eventsBufferLock: self._bufferedEvents[(evt_src, evt_type)] = (evt_src, evt_type, evt_value) else: # if we are not buffering, directly emit the signal try: self.getSignaller().emit(Qt.SIGNAL('taurusEvent'), evt_src, evt_type, evt_value) except: self.error('%s.fireEvent(...) failed!'%type(self)) self.error(f.getLastException())
[docs] def setMyHandler(self,handler): self.my_handler = handler
[docs] def handleEvent(self,*args): #self.error('in handleEvent(%s,%s)'%(str(args[0]),len(args))) self.my_handler(*args)
[docs]class addCustomPanel2Gui(object): """ this Class is used to add new panel to existing TaurusGUI with the same Context. Each extra_panel class should have a 'getPaneldescription' and getDefaultIcon methods. Pass a dictionary like this: EXTRA_PANELS['VaccaProperties'] = { 'class': vacca.VaccaPropTable, 'icon': ':/places/network-server.svg', } """ def __init__(self, extra_panels= None): print '>>'*80 print '>>'*80 print '>>'*80 exist_instance = False try: #find actual Taurusgui Instance app = Qt.QApplication.instance() assert app except: traceback.print_exc() return try: taurusgui = None widgets = app.allWidgets() for widget in widgets: widgetType = str(type(widget)) if 'taurus.qt.qtgui.taurusgui.taurusgui.TaurusGui' in widgetType: taurusgui = widget #taurusgui = get_taurus_gui() #get_main_window() does not work here!? #Launch method def _launchPanel(panelName, panelClass, *args): #print args #print panelName, panelClass #print "Launch Panel" exist = False #find if exists instance with this Widget for widget in app.allWidgets(): widgetType = str(type(widget)) if str(panelClass) in widgetType: #If exist set Flag to know it exist = True taurusgui.setFocusToPanel(panelName) break if not exist: try: taurusgui.createCustomPanel(panelClass.getPanelDescription(panelName)) except: taurusgui.createCustomPanel(PanelDescription(panelName,panelClass.__module__+'.'+panelClass.__name__)) def launchPanel(panelName, panelClass): return lambda args: _launchPanel(panelName, panelClass, args) for panel in extra_panels.keys(): action = None try: d = extra_panels[panel] class_Panel = d.get('class',d.get('classname')) print panel,class_Panel,d try: icon = extra_panels[panel].get('icon',None) or class_Panel.getDefaultIcon() except Exception,e: print('Icon exception in addCustomPanel2Gui(%s)!! %s'%(panel,e)) icon = ':/places/network-server.svg' final_icon_url = icon if fandango.matchCl('^[\:/]',icon) else wdir('vacca/'+icon) #button = TaurusLauncherButton( # widget=class_Panel.getPanelDescription(panel)) #taurusgui.jorgsBar.addWidget(button) FUNCTION_TYPE = type(launchPanel) METHOD_TYPE = type(MyTaurusComponent.fireEvent) if 'VaccaAction' in str(class_Panel): import vacca.panel action = vacca.panel.VaccaAction(parent=taurusgui) else: action = Qt.QAction(Qt.QIcon(final_icon_url), panel, taurusgui) if d.get('name'): action.setText(d['name']) if isinstance(action,Qt.QAction): #func = launchPanel(panel, class_Panel) if isinstance(class_Panel,(FUNCTION_TYPE,METHOD_TYPE)): func = class_Panel else: func = lambda args,panelName=panel,panelClass=class_Panel: \ _launchPanel(panelName,panelClass, args) Qt.QObject.connect(action, Qt.SIGNAL("triggered(bool)"), func) taurusgui.jorgsBar.addAction(action) else: if d.get('model'): action.setModel(d['model']) taurusgui.jorgsBar.addWidget(action) print "%s Added in jorgsBar"%(panel) except: print('Error creating %s: %s,%s'%(panel,extra_panels[panel],action)) traceback.print_exc() except: traceback.print_exc()
from .doc import get_autodoc __doc__ = get_autodoc(__name__,vars())