Tāwhirimātea ============ Tawhiri is the name given to the next version of the Cambridge University Spacefligt balloon path and landing prediction software. The name comes from a `Māori `_ god of weather, which rather aptly “drove Tangaroa and his progeny into the sea” (`WP `_). Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 introduction wind_data predictor implementation api web_interface code/modules License & Authors ================= Tawhiri is Copyright 2014 (see AUTHORS & individual files) and licensed under the `GNU GPL 3 `_. See also ======== * The `CUSF wiki `_ contains pages on `Tawhiri `_ and `prediction in general `_. * The source is on `GitHub `_. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`