
Application dependencies

The application has the following dependencies:

  • wxPython
  • pysrt
  • google_translate_api

Installation using pip or easy_install

You can install the application using pip:

pip install steno

or easy_install:

easy_install steno

Installation from repository

You can install the application using setuptools:

git clone git:// && cd steno
python install

Linux users can use make:

make install

Running without installation

In order to run the application without installation, use the following command:

python steno/

Linux users can use make:

make start

Compiling of a binary build

If you want to use the application on another computer, where Python and application dependencies are not installed, you can compile a binary build using PyInstaller.

On Linux:

make build

Under Windows:

pyi-build pyi/steno.spec

The result will be stored in dist/steno.exe or dist/steno.bin.

Unit tests running

On Linux:

make test

Under Windows:

set PYTHONPATH=steno
python -m unittest discover -v -s steno