=============================== Scio: documenting SOAP services =============================== Scio includes a Sphinx extension, `scio.autowsdl`, that you can use to automatically document SOAP services defined in wsdl files. To use autowsdl, include it in your conf.py: .. code-block :: python extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'scio.autowsdl'] Then in a source reST document processed by Sphinx, include a declaration like: .. code-block :: rest .. autowsdl: path/to/wsdl_file.wsdl :namespace: stuffz The generated documentation looks like the example below. The classes documented will be given a pseudo-module namespace to avoid collisions when generating documentation for multiple wsdl files. By default, the namespace is the basename of the wsdl file, with the file extension removed. If you want to customize the namespace, set the ``:namespace:`` option in the ``.. autowsdl`` block. Example: LyricWiki ================== .. autowsdl :: ../tests/support/lyrics.wsdl :namespace: lyricwiki