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RigolDG5000 class documentation

Group coupling


Set the phase deviation of phase coupling and the default unit is “°”. The query returns the phase deviation value in scientific notation.

Property value : deviation

Initial SCPI command : :COUPling:PHASe:DEViation


Set the frequency deviation of frequency coupling and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency deviation value in scientific notation.

Property value : deviation

Initial SCPI command : :COUPling:FREQuency:DEViation

Set the coupling base channel as CH1 or CH2. The query returns CH1 or CH2.

Initial SCPI command : :COUPling:CHannel:BASE


Turn the channel coupling function on or off. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :COUPling:STATe


Select the coupling type: Frequency Deviation or Phase Deviation. The query returns PHASE or FREQ.

Initial SCPI command : :COUPling:TYPE

Group trace

Set the number of the initial points. Query the number of the initial points of the edited waveform.

Initial SCPI command : :TRACe:DATA:POINts

Set the interpolation mode between the defined points of the waveform. The query returns LINEAR, SINC or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :TRACe:DATA:POINts:INTerpolate

Query the number of arbitrary waveform data packets in the volatile memory. Read the specified data packet in the volatile memory.

Initial SCPI command : :TRACe:DATA:LOAD

Download floating point voltage value into the volatile memory. The range of the number of the floating points is from -1 to +1 and the data length can not exceed 512 kpts.

Property value (write-only) : value,value1,value2

Initial SCPI command : :TRACe:DATA:DATA

Download the waveform edited into the DDRII.

Property value (write-only) : value,flag,binary_block_data

Initial SCPI command : :TRACe:DATA:DAC16

Query the decimal integer value of a certain point in the volatile memory. The query returns a decimal value and the range is from 0 to 16383.

Initial SCPI command : :TRACe:DATA:VALue

Send binary data block or decimal DAC value to the volatile memory.

Property value (write-only) : value,binary_block_data,value

Initial SCPI command : :TRACe:DATA:DAC

Group system


Turn the beeper on or off. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe


The beeper immediately generate a beep.


Lock or unlock the front panel remotely. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:KLOCk:STATe


Turn the DHCP mode on/off. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DHCP:STATe


Turn the ManualIP mode on/off. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:STATic:STATe


Turn the AutoIP mode on/off. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:AUTOip:STATe


Set the domain name for the signal generator. The query returns the domain name.

Property value : name

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DOMain


Set the host name for the signal generator. The query returns the host name.

Property value : name

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:HOSTname


Set the subnet mask for the signal generator. The query returns the subnet mask in nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format.

Property value : mask

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:SMASk


Query and return the MAC address.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:MAC


Set the DNS server address for the signal generator. The query returns the DNS server address in nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format.

Property value : address

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DNS


Set the IP address for the signal generator. The query returns the IP address in nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format.

Property value : ip_addr

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IPADdress


Set the default gateway for the signal generator. The query returns the default gateway in nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format.

Property value : address

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:GATEway


Set the GPIB address for the signal generator. The query returns the value from 0 to 30.

Property value : integer

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:SELF:ADDRess


Select the device type to be connected to the instrument via the USB Device interface of the signal generator. The query returns COMP or PRIN.

Property value : _value

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:SELF:CLASs


Query the USB information.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:INFormation


Set the reference clock source type: Internal or External. The query returns INT or EXT.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:ROSCillator:SOURce


Set the system language type: English or Simplified Chinese. The query returns ENGL or SCH.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:LANGuage


Copy the parameter configuration of CH1 (CH2) to CH2 (CH1).

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:CSCopy


Disable or enable the power key at the front panel.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:SWItch


Query and return SCPI version information.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:VERSion




Query the error event queue.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:ERRor


Set the configuration to be used at power-on. The query returns DEFAULT or LAST.

Initial SCPI command : :SYSTem:POWeron


Restart the instrument.

Group source


Set the frequency division coefficient of the sample rate of the arbitrary waveform. The query returns integer coefficient value.

Property value : samplediv

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:FUNCtion:ARB:SAMPLE


Select the output mode of the arbitrary waveform: “INTernal” (also called Normal) or “PLAY”. The query returns INT or PLAY.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:FUNCtion:ARB:MODE


Set the duty cycle of the square waveform, expressed in % and support settings without %. The query returns the duty cycle in scientific notation.

Property value : percent

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:FUNCtion:SQUare:DCYCle


Set the symmetry of the ramp waveform, expressed in % and support settings without %. The query returns the symmetry in scientific notation.

Property value : symmetry

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMetry


Select waveform. The query returns SIN, SQU, RAMP, PULSE, NOISE, USER, DC, SINC, EXPR, EXPF, CARD, GAUS, HAV, LOR, ARBPULSE or DUA.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:FUNCtion:SHAPe


Output burst waveform when the gated signal on the [ExtTrig] connector at the rear panel is high level or low level. The query returns NORM or INV.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:BURSt:GATE:POLarity


Select to enable the burst output on the “Leading” or “Trailing” edge of the external trigger signal. The query returns POS or NEG.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:BURSt:TRIGger:SLOPe


Set the Burst trigger source type to Internal, External or Manual. The query returns INT, EXT or MAN.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:BURSt:TRIGger:SOURce


Specify the edge type of the trigger output signal. The query returns OFF, POS or NEG.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:BURSt:TRIGger:TRIGOut


Trigger the instrument immediately.


Set the Burst period (the time from the beginning of the N Cycle burst to the beginning of the next burst) and the default unit is “s”. The query returns the period value in scientific notation.

Property value : period

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:BURSt:INTernal:PERiod


Set the cycle number of the Burst. The query returns the value of the cycle number.

Property value : cycles

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:BURSt:NCYCles


Set the start phase of the burst and the default unit is “°”. The query returns the phase value in scientific notation.

Property value : phase

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:BURSt:PHASe


Enable or disable the Burst function. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:BURSt:STATe


Select the Burst type: N Cycle, Gated or Infinite. The query returns TRIG, GAT or INF.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:BURSt:MODE


Set the time that the signal generator holds from recieving a trigger signal to starting outputing the N Cycle (or Infinite) burst and the default unit is “s”. The query returns the time value in scientific notation.

Property value : delay

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:BURSt:TDELay


Select to enable the frequency sweep output on the “Leading” or “Trailing” edge of the external trigger signal.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:SWEep:TRIGger:SLOPe


Select the sweep trigger source type. The query returns INT, EXT or MAN.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:SWEep:TRIGger:SOURce


Set the output edge of the sweep trigger. The query returns OFF, POS or NEG.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:SWEep:TRIGger:TRIGOut


Trigger the instrument immediately.


Set the start hold time of the sweep and the default unit is “s”. The query returns the time value in scientific notation.

Property value : seconds

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:SWEep:HTIMe:STARt


Set the end hold time of the Sweep and the default unit is “s”. The query returns the time value in scientific notation.

Property value : seconds

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:SWEep:HTIMe:STOP


Set the return time of the Sweep and the defaut unit is “s”. The query returns the time value in scientific notation.

Property value : seconds

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:SWEep:RTIMe


Enable or disable the frequency sweep function. The query returns OFF or ON.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:SWEep:STATe


Select the sweep type: Linear, Log or step. The query returns LIN, LOG or STE.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:SWEep:SPACing


Set the step number of step sweep. The query returns an integer.

Property value : steps

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:SWEep:STEp


Set the sweep time and the default unit is “s”. The query returns the time value in scientific notation.

Property value : seconds

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:SWEep:TIME


Set the rising edge of the pulse and the default unit is “s”. The query returns the time value in scientific notation and the default unit is “s”.

Property value : seconds

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:PULSe:TRANsition:LEADing


Set the falling edge of the pulse and the default unit is “s”. The query returns the time value in scientific notation and the default unit is “s”.

Property value : seconds

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:PULSe:TRANsition:TRAiling


Set the delayed time of the pulse and the default unit is “s”. The query returns the pulse delay in scientific notation.

Property value : delay

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:PULSe:DELay


Set the pulse duty cycle, expressed in %. The query returns the duty cycle value in scientific notation.

Property value : percent

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:PULSe:DCYCle


Select to hold at the “Pulse Width” or “Duty Cycle” state. The query returns WIDT or DUTY.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:PULSe:HOLD


Set the pulse width (the time from the 50% threshold of a rising edge amplitude to the 50% threshold of the next falling edge amplitude) and the default unit is “s”. The query returns the pulse width value in scientific notation.

Property value : seconds

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:PULSe:WIDTh


Set the basic waveform period and the default unit is “s”. The query returns the period value in scientific notation.

Property value : period

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:PERiod:FIXed


Execute align phase operation.


Set the start phase of the basic waveform and the default unit is “°”. The query returns the phase value in scientific notation.

Property value : phase

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:PHASe:ADJust


Set the start frequency of the Sweep and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:FREQuency:STARt


Set the frequency of the basic waveform and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:FREQuency:FIXed


Set the end frequency of the Sweep and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:FREQuency:STOP

Set the center frequency of the Sweep and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:FREQuency:CENTer


Set the frequency span of the Sweep and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency span value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:FREQuency:SPAN

Enable or disable the range hold. The query returns AUTO or HOLD.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO


Set the high level of the basic waveform and the default unit is “V”. The query returns the high level value in scientific notation.

Property value : voltage

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:HIGH


Set the low level of the basic waveform and the default unit is “V”. The query returns the low level value in scientific notation.

Property value : voltage

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:LOW


Set the basic waveform amplitude and the default unit is “Vpp”. The query returns the amplitude value in scientific notation.

Property value : amplitude

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:AMPLitude


Set the DC offset voltage and the default unit is “Vdc”. The query returns the offset voltage value in scientific notation.

Property value : voltage

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:OFFSet


Set the amplitude unit. The query returns VPP, VRMS or DBM.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:VOLTage:UNIT


Enable or disable the “Mark” frequency function. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MARKer:STATe


Set the mark frequency of the Sweep and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MARKer:FREQuency


Output a noise waveform with specified amplitude and DC offset.

Property value (write-only) : amp,offset

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:APPLy:NOISe


Query the current configuration of the function generator and returns a character string enclosed in double quotation marks.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:APPLy


Output a ramp waveform with specified frequency, amplitude, DC offset and start phase.

Property value (write-only) : freq,amp,offset,phase

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:APPLy:RAMP


Output a sine waveform with specified frequency, amplitude, DC offset and start phase.

Property value (write-only) : freq,amp,offset,phase

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:APPLy:SINusoid


Output a square waveform with specified frequency, amplitude, DC offset and start phase.

Property value (write-only) : freq,amp,offset,phase

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:APPLy:SQUare


Output a pulse waveform with specified frequency, amplitude, DC offset and delay.

Property value (write-only) : freq,amp,offset,delay

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:APPLy:PULSe


Output an arbitrary waveform with specified frequency, amplitude, DC offset and start phase.

Property value (write-only) : freq,amp,offset,phase

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:APPLy:USER


Set the ASK modulating waveform amplitude and the default unit is “Vpp”. The query returns the amplitude value in scientific notation.

Property value : amplitude

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:INTernal:AMPLitude


Select the “Positive” or “Negative” polarity of the modulating waveform to control the output amplitude. The query returns POS or NEG.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:POLarity


Set the ASK modulating source type: Internal or External. The query returns INT or EXT.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:SOURce


Set the frequency at which the outoput amplitude “shifts” between the “carrier waveform amplitude” and the “modulating amplitude”. The default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the rate value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:ASKey:FREQency

Set the FIX4 repeat sequence code pattern. The query returns the current code pattern.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:IQ:PATTern:FIX4

Select the pre-defined code pattern inside the instrument or the user-defined code pattern. The query returns PN9, PN11, PN15, PN23, FIX4 or USER.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:IQ:PATTern

Set the transmission rate of the IQ code pattern and the default unit is “bps”. The query returns the IQ code rate in scientific notation.

Property value : rate

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:IQ:INTernal:RATE

Set the IQ signal source type: Internal or External. The query returns

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:IQ:SOURce

Send binary data block to the volatile memory.

Property value (write-only) : value,binary_block_data

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:IQ:DATA

Set the IQ mapping type. The query returns BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, 4QAM, 8QAM, 16QAM, 32QAM or 64QAM.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:IQ:FORMat


Set the frequency at which the FSK output frequency “shifts” between the “carrier frequency” and the “hop Frequency”. The default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the rate value in scientific notation.

Property value : rate

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:FSKey:INTernal:RATE


Select the “Positive” or “Negative” polarity of the modulating waveform to control the output frequency. The query returns POS or NEG.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:FSKey:POLarity


Set the FSK modulating source type: Internal or External. The query returns INT or EXT.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:FSKey:SOURce


Set the alternating frequency (“hop” frequency) of the FSK and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:FSKey:FREQuency

Select AM modulating waveform shape. The query returns SIN, SQU, TRI, RAMP, NRAM, NOIS or USER.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:AM:INTernal:FUNCtion

Set the AM modulating waveform frequency and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:AM:INTernal:FREQuency

Select the AM modulating source type: Internal or External. The query returns INT or EXT.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:AM:SOURce

Set the amplitude vibration degree of the AM (Modulation Depth), expressed in percentage. The query returns the modulation depth percentage in scientific notation.

Property value : depth

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:AM:DEPTh


Set the frequency at which the PSK output phase “shifts” between the “carrier phase” and the “modulating phase”. The default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the rate value in scientific notation.

Property value : rate

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PSKey:INTernal:RATE


Select the “Positive” or “Negative” polarity of the modulating waveform to control the output phase. The query returns POS or NEG.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PSKey:POLarity


Set the PSK modulating source type: Internal or External. The query returns INT or EXT.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PSKey:SOURce


Set the PSK modulating waveform phase. The query returns the phase value in scientific notation.

Property value : phase

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PSKey:PHASe


Set the duty cycle deviation namely the variation in duty cycle (expressed in %) of the modulated waveform from the duty cycle of the original pulse waveform. The query returns the deviation value in scientific notation.

Property value : percent

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PWM:DEViation:DCYCle


Set the pulse width deviation namely the variation in width (expressed in seconds) of the modulated waveform from the width of the original pulse waveform. The query returns the pulse width deviation in scientific notation.

Property value : deviation

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PWM:DEViation:WIDTh


Select Sine, Square, Triangle, UpRamp, DnRamp, Noise or Arb as the PWM modulating source. The query returns SIN, SQU, TRI, RAMP, NRAMP, NOIS or USER.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PWM:INTernal:FUNCtion


Set the PWM modulating waveform frequency and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PWM:INTernal:FREQuency


Set the PWM modulating source type:Internal or External. The query returns INT or EXT.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PWM:SOURce

Select the FM modulating waveform shape. The query returns SIN, SQU, TRI, RAMP, NRAM, NOIS or USER.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:FM:INTernal:FUNCtion

Set the FM modulating waveform frequency and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:FM:INTernal:FREQuency

Set the frequency deviation of the FM modulating waveform relative to the carrier waveform frequency and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the deviation value in scientific notation.

Property value : deviation

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:FM:DEViation

Set the FM modulating source type: Internal or External. The query returns INT or EXT.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:FM:SOURce

Select the PM modulating waveform shape. The query returns SIN, SQU, TRI, RAMP, NRAM, NOIS or USER.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PM:INTernal:FUNCtion

Set the PM modulating waveform frequency and the default unit is “Hz”. The query returns the frequency value in scientific notation.

Property value : frequency

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PM:INTernal:FREQuency

Set the deviation of the PM modulating waveform phase relative to the carrier waveform phase and the default unit is “°”. The query returns the phase deviation value in scientific notation.

Property value : deviation

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PM:DEViation

Set the PM modulating source type: Internal or External. The query returns INT or EXT.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:PM:SOURce


Enable or disable the modulating function. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:STATe


Select the modulating type of the signal generator. The query returns AM, FM, PM, ASK, FSK, PSK, PWM or IQ.

Initial SCPI command : :SOURce<n>:MOD:TYPe

Group mmemory


Create a folder under the current directory using the filename specified by<dir_name>.

Property value (write-only) : dir_name

Initial SCPI command : :MMEMory:MDIRectory


Load the file specified by <file_name> under the current directory.

Property value (write-only) : file_name

Initial SCPI command : :MMEMory:LOAD


Query the disks currently available.

Initial SCPI command : :MMEMory:RDIRectory


Change the current directory to the directory specified by <directory_name>. The query returns the current directory in character string.

Property value : directory_name

Initial SCPI command : :MMEMory:CDIRectory


Query all the files and folders under the current catalog.

Initial SCPI command : :MMEMory:CATalog


Copy the file specified by <file_name> under the current directory to the directory (not the current directory) specified by <directory_name>.

Property value (write-only) : directory_name,file_name

Initial SCPI command : :MMEMory:COPY

Store the file under the current directory with the filename specified by <file_name>.

Property value (write-only) : file_name

Initial SCPI command : :MMEMory:STORe


Delete the file or folder specified by <file_name> under the current directory.

Property value (write-only) : file_name

Initial SCPI command : :MMEMory:DELete

Group output


Set the sync signal on the [Sync] connector to normal or invert. The query returns POS or NEG.

Initial SCPI command : :OUTPut<n>:SYNC:POLarity


Enable or disable the sync signal on the [Sync] connector. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :OUTPut<n>:SYNC:STATe


Set the output impedance of the [Output] connector at the front panel and the default unit is “Ω”. The query returns the specific impedance value or INFINITY (High Z).

Property value : ohms

Initial SCPI command : :OUTPut<n>:LOAD


Set the output polarity of the signal at the [Output] connector to normal or invert. The query returns NORMAL or INVERTED.

Initial SCPI command : :OUTPut<n>:POLarity


Enable or disable the output of the [Output] connector at the front panel corresponding to the channel. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :OUTPut<n>:STATe


Set the attenuation (amplication) coefficient of the signal on the [Output] connector. The query returns 1X, 2X, 5X or 10X.

Initial SCPI command : :OUTPut<n>:ATTenuation


Set the output impedance of the [Output] connector at the front panel and the default unit is “Ω”. The query returns the specific impedance value or INFINITY (High Z).

Property value : ohms

Initial SCPI command : :OUTPut<n>:IMPedance

Group display


Set the backgound color of the parameter or the menu selected on the interface. The query returns RED, DEEPRED, YELLOW, GREEN, AZURE, NAVYBLUE, BLUE, LILAC, PURPLE or ARGENT.

Property value : color

Initial SCPI command : :DISPlay:WINDow:HLIGht:COLor


Enable or disable the screen saver mode. The query returns ON or OFF.

Initial SCPI command : :DISPlay:SAVer:STATe


Enter screen saver state immediately.


Set the display brightness of the screen. The query returns the brightness percentage.

Property value : brightness

Initial SCPI command : :DISPlay:BRIGhtness