.. Rigol DG5000 driver documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jan 7 10:47:44 2014. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to Rigol DG5000 driver's documentation! =============================================== Overview -------- This package can be used to drive a Rigol DG5000 waveform generator. It provides an object oriented interface to the SCPI commands using Python properties. Especially it does the conversion from number to string (and vice versa) automatically. Installation ------------ You need to install the pyvisa package. On windows the pyvisa a package is supported by the `python(x,y) `_ distribution. Usage ----- First you need to create your visa instrument. :: import visa inst = visa.instrument('USB0::0x0000::0x0000::DG5Axxxxxxxxx::INSTR', term_chars='\n', timeout=1) ## If you are using Visa >= 1.6 # rm = visa.ReourveManager() # inst = rm.open_resource('USB0::0x0000::0x0000::DG5Axxxxxxxxx::INSTR', term_chars='\n', timeout=1) rigol = RigolDG5000(inst=inst) rigol.output[1].load = 50 rigol.source[1].voltage.unit = "DBM" rigol.source[1].frequency.fixed = 10000000 rigol.source[1].state = 'ON' print source[1].frequency.fixed All the commands are Python properties that can be read or write. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 rigolDG5000