Restcomm_Python_SDk is a module for using the Restcomm Rest API. This Documentation provides the basic information on the usage of this SDk in performing various operations offered by the Restcomm-Rest APIs. The Restcomm REST API allows you to query meta-data about your account, phone numbers, calls, text messages, and recordings. You can also do some communications control like initiate outbound calls and send text messages.

Table of Content
  • Installation

  • Feedback

  • Getting Started

    • Api Credentials

    • Examples

      • Accounts

        • Account Details

        • Change Account Password

        • Create Sub Account

        • Close Sub Account

        • Sub Account Details

      • Call

        • Make a Call

        • Get Call Details

        • Redirect a Call

        • Make Conference Call

        • Mute a Participant

        • UnMute a Participant

      • Sms

        • Send Sms

        • Get Sms List

        • Filter Sms List

      • Applications

        • Create an Application

        • Delete an Application

        • Update an Application

        • Get Application List

      • Available Phone Number

        • Number Availability

      • Client

        • Create a client

        • Delete a client

        • Change Client Password

        • Get Client List

      • Email

        • Send an Email

      • Gateway

        • Create Gateway

        • Get Gateway list

        • Update Gateway

        • Delete Gateway

      • Incoming Number

        • Get Incoming Number List

        • Attach a phone Number

        • Delete a phone Number

      • Notifications

        • Get Notification List

        • Filter Notification List

      • Recordings

        • Get Recording List

        • Filter Recording List

      • Transcriptions

        • Get Transcription List

        • Filter Transcription List

      • Usage

        • Get Usage List


Install from PyPi using pip, a package manager for Python. Go to the terminal and type:

$ pip install Restcomm_Python_SDk

if it doesn’t work, try using:

$ sudo pip install Restcomm_Python_SDk

Don’t have pip installed? Try installing it, by running this from the command line:

Or, you can download the source code (ZIP) for Restcomm-Python, and then run in the terminal:

$ python install

Or, you can run it by using:

$ sudo python install

if you want to install it in python 3 or above, try using:

$ sudo python3 install


Report any feedback or problems with this Release Candidate to the Github Issues for Restcomm-Python

Getting Started

Getting started with the Restcomm API is damn easy. We basically have to create a client and pass it to the required class as and when called. So, now we are ready to go

API Credentials

The Restcomm needs your Restcomm credentials to use its API. If you don’t have one, first try getting it and then read further. If you have Restcomm credentials, you can either pass these directly to the constructor or via environment variables.

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import client

BaseUrl = “https://ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ”
client = client(AccountSid, AuthToken, BaseUrl)



Get Account Details

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import AccountDetails

getinfo = AccountDetails(client).Details()
To get Details of the main Account Sid
Sid = getinfo['Sid']
To get Details of the Date when the Account was created
Date_Created = getinfo['DateCreated']
and similarly for 'other' details, type

Change Account Password

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import ChangeAccountPassword

data = ChangeAccountPassword('newPassword12345', client).ChangePassword()
To get new Authentication Token
newAuthToken = data['AuthToken']

After Changing the Account Password, you need to update with new Account Sid and Authentication Token
To do so, Simply call client function
client = client(AccountSid, newAuthToken, BaseUrl)

Create Sub Account

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import CreateSubAccount

data = CreateSubAccount('friendlyName', '', 'newPassword321', client).Create()
To get details of new Sub Account Created
Status = data['Status']
SubSid = data['Sid']
Date_Created = data['DateCreated']

Close Sub Account

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import CloseSubAccount

data = CloseSubAccount(SUBACCOUNTSID, client).Close()
Status = data['Status']

Sub Account Details

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import SubAccountDetails

To get the Details of all the Sub Accounts
getDetails = SubAccountDetails(client).Details()
To get the Details of SubAccount with give Sid
getInfo = getDetails['Sid']


Make a Call

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import Makecall

call = Makecall(from = “9840275164”, to = “8282900154”, url = “ ”, client).Call()
To get Call Sid
CallSid = call['sid']

Get Call Details

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import GetCallDetail

getDetails = GetCallDetail(client).GetDetails()
To get the required info, you can simply type
startTime = getDetails['start_time']
price = getDetails['price']

Redirect a Call

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import RedirectCall

To Redirect a Call to a person, you need to have its Calling Sid
redirectCall = RedirectCall(URL, CALLSID, client).Redirect()

Make Conference Call

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import ConferenceCall

To make a Conference Call, you need to have Calling Sid of the person and the Url
ConCall = ConferenceCall(URL, CALLSID, client).Conference()

Mute a Participant

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import MuteParticipant

To Mute a participant during a conference call, you need to have the Participant Sid and conference Sid
Mute = MuteParticipant(PARTICIPANTSID, CONFERENCESID, client).Mute()

UnMute a Participant

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import UnMuteParticipant

To UnMute a participant during a conference call, you need to have the participant sid and conference sid
Unmute = UnMuteParticipant(PARTICIPANTSID, CONFERENCESID, client).UnMute()


Send Sms

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import SendSms

message = SendSms(to = “9840275164”, from = “8282900154”, body = “This is a test message. Please ignore it! ”, client)

Get Sms List

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import SmsList

To get list of all the Sms sent and received, We need to pass the client data to the required class
getlist = SmsList(client).GetList()
To get price information and other details, you can simply type
price = getlist['Price']
priceUnit = getlist['PriceUnit']
SmsSid = getlist['Sid']

Filter Sms List

To filter the list of Sms, you can either filter it by passing the page information to get list of sms according to page no. or else you can also filter it by providing the information of the person you want to view the Sms
To view Sms according to the information of the person

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import FilterSmsList

filterinfo = FilterSmsList('alice', client).GetFilterlist()
SmsSid = filterinfo['Sid']

To view Sms according to the number of page

from Restcomm_Python_SDk import SmsPagingInformation

filterinfo = SmsPagingInformation('1', client).PageInfo()
smsSid = filterinfo['Sid']


Create an Application

To Create an application, you need to provide the Application name and the kind of application to be created
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import CreateApplication

createApp = CreateApplication('demoApp', 'voice', client).Create()
This will create an Application and all the details will be stored in createApp. You can extract the information according to your choice, for example
Date_Created = createApp['DateCreated']
AppSid = createApp['Sid']
Date_Updated = createApp['DateUpdated']

Delete an Application

To Delete an Application, you need to provide the Application Sid
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import DeleteApplication

deleteApp = DeleteApplication(APPSID, client).Delete()
This will delete the Application with the given Sid and the details will be stored in deleteApp. You can check it by typing
Date_Updated = deleteApp['DateUpdated']

Update an Application

If you want to update the Application name, you need to provide the Application Sid
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import UpdateApplication

updateApp = UpdateApplication(APPSID, 'newdemoApp', client).Update()
This will Update the Application with new Application name and the details will be stored in updateApp. You can check it by typing
Date_Created = updateApp['DateCreated']
Date_Updated = updateApp['DateUpdated']
AppSid = updateApp['Sid']

Get Application list

To get the list of all Applications Created, you can simply call the GetApplicationList class and provide the authentication data to access the list
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import GetApplicationList

getinfo = GetApplicationList(client).GetList()
getinfo will contain all the data of the applications. you can simply get your desired result by typing
AppSid = getinfo['Sid']
friendlyName = getinfo['FriendlyName']
kind = getinfo['Kind']

Available Phone Number

Number Availability

To get the list of all the numbers available, you need to provide the area code for which you need to check the availability of the number
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import NumberAvailability

getlist = NumberAvailability('305', client).Availability()
This will give the list of all the numbers available. To check
numbers = getlist['phNumber']
friendlyName = getlist['friendlyName']
smsCapable = getlist['smsCapable']


Create a Client

To Create a client, you need to provide the client Login Id and password and pass it to CreateClient class with user Authentication
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import CreateClient

create = CreateClient('demoId', 'demoPassword', client).Create()
This will create the client with Login Id and Password as mentioned above and the details are stored in create.
status = create['status']
clientSid = create['sid']
Date_Created = create['DateCreated']
Date_Updated = create['DateUpdated']

Delete a client

To Delete a client, you need to provide the client Sid and pass it to DeleteClient class with user Authentication
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import DeleteClient

deleteclient = DeleteClient(CLIENTSID, client).Delete()
This will delete the client with the Client Sid as mentioned above and the details are stored in deleteclient.
status = deleteclient['status']

Change Client Password

To change the Password of a client, you need to provide the client Sid and new Password and pass it to ChangeClientPassword class along with user Authentication
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import ChangeClientPassword

change = ChangeClientPassword(CLIENTSID, 'newPassword', client).ChangePassword()
This will replace the Password with the new Password provided above and the details are stored in change.
token = change['AuthToken']
Date_Updated = change['DateUpdated']

Get Client List

To get list of all the clients, you need to pass the user Authentications to the ClientList class
from Restcomm_python_SDk import ClientList

getinfo = ClientList(client).GetList()
This will store all the information of the clients in getinfo and you can access it by simply
clientsid = getinfo['sid']


Send an Email

To send an Email, you need to provide the sender and receivers email address and pass it to SendEmail class along with user Authentication
You also need to provide Subject of the Email along with the message
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import SendEmail

sendmail = SendEmail('', '', 'testMail', 'This is the test mail. Please ignore it!', client).Send()
This will send the Email to the respective person and the details are stored in sendmail
Date_Sent = sendmail['DateSent']


Create Gateway

To create a Gateway, you need to provide the gateway friendly name, user name, gateway password and the proxy in which the gateway are working and pass it to CreateGateway class along with the user Authentications
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import CreateGateway

create = CreateGateway('myGateway', 'username', 'userpassword', '', client).Create()
This will create the required Gateway with the friendly name, username, password and proxy as provided above and the details are stored in create. To access it, type`
Date_Created = create['DateCreated']

Get Gateway List

To get the list of all the Gateway created, you need to provide user Authentication and pass it to GetListGateway class
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import GetListGateway

getinfo = GetListGateway(client).GetList()
This will store all the details of the Gateway created, in getinfo. To get the required details, type
GatewaySid = getinfo['sid']
Date_Created = getinfo['DateCreated']

Update Gateway

To update the Gateway, you need to provide the Gateway Sid and the required changes which you want to make like change friendly name and username and pass it to UpdateGateway class along with user Authentication from Restcomm_Python_SDk import UpdateGateway

updategateway = UpdateGateway(GATEWAYSID, 'newGateway', 'newUsername', client).Update()
This will update the Gateway with the new friendly name and username as provided above and the details are stored in updategateway. To access it, type
Date_Updated = updategateway['DateUpdated']

Delete Gateway

To Delete the Gateway, you need to provide the Gateway Sid and pass it to the DeleteGateway class along with user Authentication
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import DeleteGateway

DeleteGateway(GATEWAYSID, client).Delete()

Incoming Number

Get Incoming Number List

To get the list of all Incoming Numbers, you need to pass user Authentication to PhoneNumberList class
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import PhoneNumberList

getlist = PhoneNumberList(client).GetList()
This will store all the Incoming Phone Numbers in getlist. you can access it to get your required data
callSid = getlist['sid']
phoneNumber = getlist['phone_number']
friendlyname = getlist['friendly_name']
capable = getlist['capabilities']

Attach a Phone Number

To attach a Phone Number to an application, you need to provide the Phone Number and voice Url and pass it to the AttachPhoneNumber class along with user Authentication from Restcomm_Python_SDk import AttachPhoneNumber

AttachPhoneNumber(PHONENUMBER, VOICEURL, client).Attach()

Delete a Phone Number

To delete a phone Number, you need to provide the calling sid and pass it to the DeletePhoneNumber class along with user Authentication from Restcomm_Python_SDk import DeletePhoneNumber

DeletePhoneNumber(CALLSID, client).Delete()


Get Notification List

To get list of Notifications, call the NotificationList class and pass user Authentication
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import NotificationList

getlist = NotificationList(client).GetList()
This will store all the details of the notifications in getlist. you can access it similarly by
notificationsid = getlist['sid']
Date_Created = getlist['DateCreated']
Date_Updated = getlist['DateUpdated']

Filter Notification List

You can filter the list of notifications by two way. One way is to filter it by using error code or the second way is to provide page information. To Filter it by using Error Code, you need to provide the error code and pass it to NotificationFilter class along with user Authentications or else if you want to filter it using page information, then provide page information and pass it to NotificationFilter class along with user Authentications.
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import NotificationFilter

getlist = NotificationFilter(ERRORCODE, client).FilterErrorCode()
or else getlist = NotificationFilter('1', client).FilterPage()
These will store the details as per filter option in getlist. You can access it by typing
notificationsid = getlist['sid']


Get Recording List

To get list of Recordings, call the RecordingList class and pass user Authentication
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import RecordingList

getlist = RecordingList(client).GetList()
This will store all the details of the Recording in getlist. you can access it similarly by
Recordingsid = getlist['sid']
Date_Created = getlist['DateCreated']
Date_Updated = getlist['DateUpdated']

Filter Recording List

You can filter the list of Recordings by two way. One way is to filter it by using calling Sid or the second way is to provide page information. To Filter it by using calling Sid, you need to provide the Call Sid and pass it to RecordingFilter class along with user Authentications or else if you want to filter it using page information, then provide page information and pass it to RecordingFilter class along with user Authentications.
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import RecordingFilter

getlist = RecordingFilter(CALLSID, client).FilterCallSid()
or else getlist = RecordingFilter('1', client).FilterPage()
These will store the details as per filter option in getlist. You can access it by typing
recordingsid = getlist['sid']


Get Transcription List

To get list of Transcriptions, call the TranscriptionList class and pass user Authentication
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import TranscriptionList

getlist = TranscriptionList(client).GetList()
This will store all the details of the Transcriptions in getlist. you can access it similarly by
transcriptionsid = getlist['sid']
Date_Created = getlist['DateCreated']
Date_Updated = getlist['DateUpdated']

Filter Transcription List

You can filter the list of transcriptions by two way. One way is to filter it by using Transcription Text or the second way is to provide page information. To Filter it by using Transcription Text, you need to provide the Transcription Text and pass it to TranscriptionFilter class along with user Authentications or else if you want to filter it using page information, then provide page information and pass it to TranscriptionFilter class along with user Authentications.
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import TranscriptionFilter

getlist = TranscriptionFilter(TRANSCRIPTIONTEXT, client).FilterText()
or else getlist = TranscriptionFilter('1', client).FilterPage()
These will store the details as per filter option in getlist. You can access it by typing
Transcriptionsid = getlist['sid']


Get Usage List

To get list of Usage, you need to pass user authentications to the Usages class
from Restcomm_Python_SDk import Usages

getinfo = Usages(client).GetList()
This will store the details of all usages in getinfo. To access it, simply type
sid = getinfo['sid']