
The hope is that the RSCloud package will help simplify your life, and get you through your cloud to-do list faster. Does integrated authentication and access to the full range of Rackspace APIs through python sound good?

RSCloud is for everyone.

It is recommended that you walk through the tutorial section of these docs. The section covers most of the important concepts necessary to operate within the RSCloud package. While there are short guides (in development) for each of RSCloud’s modules, the parallels in functionality between each of the modules is demonstrated in the tutorial. What that means is, if you learn to make good things happen using one module, you can make good things happen using any module. So check it out – and you’ll be RSCloud’ing real-proper-like in no time.

a brief on RSCloud conventions

Many of the methods you’ll see here will have names that begin with the verb create, delete or get, followed by a noun which corresponds to a cloud item or data. For now, I’ll assume that create and delete methods are self-explanatory as far as what they accomplish. The get methods simply return requested information regarding status, specs, etc... about a specified cloud item or data. You might think of the get methods as being “safe”, in that you won’t be modifying, creating, deleting, etc... any of your cloud objects when calling those methods. It might be wise to frequently leverage the get methods to verify changes you have made in the cloud.

For methods that modify existing cloud objects, take care in ordering and assigning (or not assigning) values to arguments. Take note of the method’s signature, by checking it out in the module index. Many arguments default to False or None, so when assigning values to your arguments, you might want to pass them explicitly as keyword arguments, rather than implicitly or by position.

Go spin em up.

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