
exception PyroMP.errors.CallbackServerAlreadyRunningError

Bases: PyroMP.errors.PyroMPError

Raised when the CallbackServer is already started

exception PyroMP.errors.CallbackServerNotRunningError

Bases: PyroMP.errors.PyroMPError

Raised when the CallbackServer has not been started

exception PyroMP.errors.ForbiddenAttributeAccessError

Bases: PyroMP.errors.PyroMPError

Raised when an attribute not of Event class or its trigger() function is called of a QueuedService is accessed

exception PyroMP.errors.NameServerError

Bases: PyroMP.errors.PyroMPError

Raised when a NameServer was not found

exception PyroMP.errors.PyroMPError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Base class for all errors of this package

exception PyroMP.errors.ServerError

Bases: PyroMP.errors.PyroMPError

Raised when an error occurred during starting an server process or thread

exception PyroMP.errors.ServiceAlreadyStoppedError

Bases: PyroMP.errors.PyroMPError

Raised when a function could not be executed because the QueuedService has already stopped

exception PyroMP.errors.ServiceNotAvailableError

Bases: PyroMP.errors.PyroMPError

Raised when trying to connect to a Service that is not running

exception PyroMP.errors.UnknownCommandError

Bases: PyroMP.errors.PyroMPError

Raised when an unknown command is on QueuedService command queue

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