iBase API


This subtype of PyObject represents an iBase instance object (the base type from which types like iMesh_Object are derived).


This subtype of PyObject represents an iBase_EntityHandle in Python.


This subtype of PyObject represents an iBase_EntitySetHandle in Python.


This subtype of PyObject represents an iBase_TagHandle in Python.


This subtype of PyObject represents a NumPy array elements with a single iBase instance object in common (e.g. if the instance is a Mesh, then this object would contain iMesh.EntitySets or iMesh.Tags).

PyTypeObject iBase_Type

This instance of PyTypeObject represents the iBase instance type. This is the same object as itaps.iBase.Base.

PyTypeObject iBaseEntity_Type

This instance of PyTypeObject represents the iBase entity handle type. This is the same object as itaps.iBase.Entity.

PyTypeObject iBaseEntitySet_Type

This instance of PyTypeObject represents the iBase entity set handle type. This is the same object as itaps.iBase.EntitySet.

PyTypeObject iBaseTag_Type

This instance of PyTypeObject represents the iBase tag handle type. This is the same object as itaps.iBase.Tag.

PyTypeObject iBaseArr_Type

This instance of PyTypeObject represents the iBase NumPy array type. This is the same object as itaps.iBase.Array.

PyObject *PyExc_ITAPSError

This instance of PyObject* is the exception type for internal ITAPS errors. This is the same object as itaps.iBase.ITAPSError.

PyObject **PyExc_Errors

An array of of PyObject*s that holds the exception subtypes for internal ITAPS errors. The index in this array is equal to the corresponding value from iBase_ErrorType minus 1.


The NumPy typenum for arrays of Entities.


The NumPy typenum for arrays of EntitySets.


The NumPy typenum for arrays of Tags.

int iBase_Check(PyObject *p)

Return true if its argument is a Base or a subtype of Base.

int iBaseEntity_Check(PyObject *p)

Return true if its argument is an Entity or a subtype of Entity.

int iBaseEntitySet_Check(PyObject *p)

Return true if its argument is an EntitySet or a subtype of EntitySet.

int iBaseTag_Check(PyObject *p)

Return true if its argument is a Tag or a subtype of Tag.

PyObject* iBaseEntity_New()

Return a new uninitialized Entity, or NULL on failure.

PyObject* iBaseEntitySet_New()

Return a new uninitialized EntitySet, or NULL on failure.

PyObject* iBaseTag_New()

Return a new uninitialized Tag, or NULL on failure.

PyObject* iBaseEntity_FromHandle(iBase_EntityHandle h)

Return a new Entity from a C iBase_EntityHandle, or NULL on failure.

PyObject* iBaseEntitySet_FromHandle(iBase_EntitySetHandle h)

Return a new EntitySet from a C iBase_EntitySetHandle, or NULL on failure.

PyObject* iBaseTag_FromHandle(iBase_TagHandle h)

Return a new Tag from a C iBase_TagHandle, or NULL on failure.

iBase_EntityHandle iBaseEntity_GetHandle(PyObject *p)

Attempt to return the entity handle held by the object. If there is an error, NULL is returned, and the caller should check PyErr_Occurred() to find out whether there was an error, or whether the value just happened to be NULL.

iBase_EntityHandle iBaseEntity_GET_HANDLE(PyObject *p)

Return the entity handle of the object p. No error checking is performed.

iBase_EntitySetHandle iBaseEntitySet_GetHandle(PyObject *p)

Attempt to return the entity set handle held by the object. If there is an error, NULL is returned, and the caller should check PyErr_Occurred() to find out whether there was an error, or whether the value just happened to be NULL.

iBase_EntitySetHandle iBaseEntitySet_GET_HANDLE(PyObject *p)

Return the entity set handle of the object p. No error checking is performed.

iBase_TagHandle iBaseTag_GetHandle(PyObject *p)

Attempt to return the tag handle held by the object. If there is an error, NULL is returned, and the caller should check PyErr_Occurred() to find out whether there was an error, or whether the value just happened to be NULL.

iBase_TagHandle iBaseTag_GET_HANDLE(PyObject *p)

Return the tag handle of the object p. No error checking is performed.

int iBaseType_Cvt(PyObject *o, int *val)

Convert any compatible Python object, obj, to a value in the enumeration iBase_EntityType. Return 1 on success, and 0 on failure. This function can be used with the "O&" character code in PyArg_ParseTuple() processing.

int iBaseStorageOrder_Cvt(PyObject *obj, int *val)

Convert any compatible Python object, obj, to a value in the enumeration iBase_StorageOrder. Return 1 on success, and 0 on failure. This function can be used with the "O&" character code in PyArg_ParseTuple() processing.

int iBaseTagType_Cvt(PyObject *obj, int *val)

Convert any compatible Python object, obj, to a value in the enumeration iBase_TagValueType. Return 1 on success, and 0 on failure. This function can be used with the "O&" character code in PyArg_ParseTuple() processing.

char iBaseTagType_ToChar(enum iBase_TagValueType t)

Convert a value in the enumeration iBase_TagValueType to the character code used to represent it in Python.

int iBaseTagType_ToTypenum(enum iBase_TagValueType t)

Convert a value in the enumeration iBase_TagValueType to the corresponding NumPy typenum used to represent that value type.

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