
PyIRC is an IRC library designed for everything from ancient IRC 2.8 servers to modern IRCv3 compliant servers, and everything in between. It is designed to be modular, flexible, and easy to use.

Why should I use PyIRC?

Despite the initial appearance, PyIRC is nothing more than a way to turn IRC commands into callbacks and accessible data, whilst optionally doing the legwork of handling the boring parts of IRC. No, really, that's it. It doesn't try to take over your event loop, it doesn't try to dominate your application, it doesn't believe it is the centre of the universe. It simply just eats IRC events and does actions/state keeping based on them. How you put in the events is up to you, but we do provide several network layers.

To facilitate this goal, PyIRC is designed to allow use of modern features where you require or want them, and yet allow for features to be foregone when desired or necessary. It also aims for correctness with most modern IRC servers; a lot of libraries are known to be incorrect in the implementation of many features, particularly in IRC message parsing.

Everything in the library revolves around the concept that nothing is an absolute hard requirement, and that things can be reimplemented with ease by advanced users. At the same time, functionality for those who don't want to mess with the internals of the protocol is there and as functional as possible within reason.

PyIRC is also designed to have minimal dependencies. Requirements ought not to be hoisted upon a user when possible. The only requirement is a Python 3.3 interpreter and above, and 3.2 support could be done with minimal work. That's all.

No attempt is made to support Python 2.x as that series is so broken with Unicode that it's not worth our time. This is our sole exception to the above. Guido says they'll support Python 2.7 until 2020; that doesn't mean we have to.


To hide the complexities of modern IRC as well as possible, whilst supporting legacy servers, we have designed the system (after much careful thought) to be extensible, flexible, and at the same time, unobtrusive. We try to stay out of your way where practical, but provide useful things to the user behind the scenes, with little to no intervention on their part.

Whilst internally PyIRC may seem very complex at first shake, it actually has a rather simple design, with the goal for it to be simple to use by anyone, from the newbie to IRC who just wants a working bot, to the advanced user who may be writing a bot for IRC operator functions and tasks.

A not-so-brief word about modern IRC

Before continuing, it's necessary to get a picture of how truly complicated modern IRC is, and why PyIRC is designed the way it is (arguably increasing complexity).

Many members of our team have worked previously on various IRC daemons, and have even participated in the IRCv3 workgroup. We are acutely aware of the very real issues faced by IRC libraries that exist in Python today, and their ad-hoc support for many IRC features, especially because no one central authority has done more than a token effort to document IRC as actually used on modern servers (those who have often have political agendas and their own novel standards injected, some of which have never seen widespread use).

The reason that IRC is in such a sorry state in terms of documentation is due the fact that the protocol actually used by IRC servers does not reflect RFC1459 anymore, and has not for many years. Many numerics are obsolete, superseded, or not even listed in the standard. There are also numerous undocumented commands. Contrast that to RFC2812, the "updated" version of RFC1459, which is best interpreted as something akin to any ancient accounts of the history of Rome - a bizarre blend of fact and fiction, but where fact ends and fiction begins (or vice versa) is impossible to tell. Even the authors of the standard, IRCNet, break it in several ways.

Despite this, many standards such as CTCP, DCC, ISUPPORT, WHOX, NAMESX, PROTOCTL, CAP, and countless others have cropped up, with various degrees of documentation. However, to rub salt into the already open, festering wounds, many of these new specifications themselves have become out of date. For example:

  • Nobody implements the CTCP quoting specification in full, and nor have they ever; it is completely abominable, a bad solution to a non-problem, and can lead to flooding if ever actually implemented according to specification
  • mIRC formatting codes - oh my goodness... nobody can agree on the shades of the colours, there's only 16 in most clients (1989 called, they want their graphics cards back), and then you have the essentially "non-standard" italic and strikethrough extensions implemented in hundreds of different ways... then the blinking text specifiers, largely an accident due to bad filtering in terminals... *shudder*...
  • DCC has dozens of extensions with spotty implementation; little more than SEND, RECV, and CHAT can be safely used, and possibly passive support.
  • ISUPPORT has sprouted many different ways to advertise the same features, often in the same IRC software, and the lowest common denominator is what mIRC understands
  • STATS itself is a disaster. Every IRC daemon uses their own format strings, their own numerics, and few are compatible.
  • LIST is not safe on many IRC servers; it can fill the client's send queue and knock them off the network. Some servers have SAFELIST, which throttles the query.
  • The other "list" modes (AKA "bantypes") besides +b. +e for excepts. +I for invites. +q for quiets (except on some IRC daemons where that means owner).
  • "Enhanced" prefixes like owner, admin, and halfop. What do they even mean? What can they even do? Depends on which IRC daemon you ask.
  • Aside from SASL, the bolted-on second-class state of services - much blood has been spilled trying to get services authors to agree even on the simplest of points because of political reasons.
  • PROTOCTL, a sort of primitive and poorly-documented feature negotiation, duplicates CAP (although CAP came later, and is far less primitive). Namely, it duplicates CAP userhost-in-names and multi-prefix (with NAMESX and UHNAMES).

With the proliferation of these additional sub-standards (often themselves substandard ;) comes the problem of incompatibility. Oftentimes, this incompatibility is subtle. For example, for maximum security (especially with STARTTLS and SASL in combination), IRC daemons should issue CAP before "registration" with the server (that is, presenting their username, GECOS, and nick). However, if CAP is unavailable, a server will simply never respond to the command. This mandates a timeout being required for CAP, to ensure that compatibility with older servers is maintained. This timeout, of course, introduces latency.

Naturally of course, many clients do not need all these features presented by modern IRC. This leads to the unfortunate side effect that most IRC libraries are excessively simple.

Although the IRCv3 workgroup is attempting to fix this with a full-fledged standards effort (with an RFC in the works), legacy servers and those who do not follow the new standard (for political or "not-invented-here" reasons) are an unfortunate reality. Pressure will hopefully reduce or eliminate these pretenders to the IRC standards throne, but for the time being, these servers exist today, and the standards effort is far from complete.

In the meantime, it is certainly desirable that clients should be able to take full advantage of these features, without having to worry about the involved complexity of implementing them. It is also desirable that users who do not need these features do not have to be forced to use them. This has influenced the architecture of PyIRC greatly.


PyIRC's four main architectural concepts are:

  • Extensions, providing an easy way to stack and mix/match features
  • Hooks, providing a way to run events implemented by the extensions, and ensure the callback chain is executed correctly
  • The base class, which brings together extensions and hooks to process the protocol
  • The io class, which inherits from the base class and implements the final pieces of the puzzle


PyIRC uses extensions to allow its functionality to be tweaked per-network and per-application as needed. By using extensions, end-users can tweak the desired functionality of the library, without having to worry about ordering or conflicts, whilst omitting things they don't need or don't want.

Extensions are passed in to the base IRC class as a list of uninstantiated classes, which are then built into an extensions database for later lookup and retrieval.

Extensions all inherit from the BaseExtension class, which provides various convenience functions to the base or other parts of base. It also has a metaclass that builds hook tables for you; more on this in a bit.

In your extension, you can set a default priority value; it can be any number, and works like Unix priorities; lower runs first (think of it like a list ordering). The default priority value can be overridden by any hooks, if they so choose. Many extensions to IRC require such functionality.

Extensions can also set requirements; the requirements list uses a list of strings, to ensure that users can add their own extensions that reimplement the same functionality in base.

Note all extensions are optional, and you are free to implement your own.


Hooks are used in PyIRC to allow runtime behaviour of the program to be modified. IRC is a very stateful protocol, with numerous non-standard extensions, often incompatible with one another. Others also require a very strict ordering of events.

Hooks are organised into broad classes, which define a specific Event subclass as the event instance they pass to the hooks. Parameters to the hooks are passed via this subclass. The Event subclass will always have at least the status and cancelled_func members. When the event is set to cancelled by the callee, the event caller will set cancelled_func to the last function to run. Other data can be passed in via this instance as well.

Nothing limits a callback to one event class or hook. This is why event instances are passed as the sole parameter - one callback can handle any type of event.

Hooks are created in extensions using the @hook decorator and a metaclass in BaseExtensions known as HookGenerator. This builds hook tables that are later scanned to add events that can be called later.

Hooks can be removed or added at any time to modify runtime functionality.


The base class contains the glue for extensions and hooks, bringing them together into a cohesive unit. The base class also contains some minimal state that extensions can rely on.

IRC data is injected via the recv method, and lines are sent out via the send method. In the recv method, the data is parsed, and the correct commands hook is run.

The base class also contains functions for scheduling events in the future. Many things in IRC require timeouts or throttling; this is used to implement such a model. How scheduling is implemented is up to the given io backend.

In the future, the role of base may be expanded as sort of a data registry for extensions, to allow reloading and runtime removal of extensions.


The io system subclasses Base to add the final piece of the puzzle - shoving data into the library. It implements the actual sending and recieving of data from the network. It also implements scheduling. There is at present an asyncio and socket backend. A gevent backend may be created in the future.

Using PyIRC

PyIRC is pretty simple to use:

from PyIRC.io.socket import IRCSocket
from PyIRC.extensions import bot_recommended

arguments = {
    'serverport' : ('irc.interlinked.me', 9999),
    'ssl' : True,
    'username' : 'Testbot',
    'nick' : 'Testbot',
    'gecos' : 'I am a test, pls ignore :)',
    'extensions' : bot_recommended,
    'sasl_username' : 'Testbot',
    'sasl_password' : 'loldongs123',
    'join' : ['#PyIRC'],

i = IRCSocket(**arguments)

Yes, it's that easy. No fuss, no muss.