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How to use callback functions in PyDAQmx

Callback functions are supported in PyDAQmx. With the function types defined in PyDAQmx.DAQmxTypes, you can convert a Python function into a C function pointer or callback and pass it to a library function requiring a callback as an argument, such as DAQmxRegisterXXXEvent().

The PyDAQmx.DAQmxCallBack module provides a mechanism for sending data to a callback function (see the second example). If you want to use a callback, the most effective way is however to use a Task object (see the last example).

Examples are available in the GitHub repository in the PyDAQmx/example directory.


Callback are not available with the NIDAQmxBase driver (Linux). You should use the the full NIDAQmx driver.

Simple example

Using a callback function is a three step problem:

  • Define the Python function with the correct arguments
  • Create a C function callback for the Python function
  • Register the callback within NIDAQmx

This can be performed as follows:

# Define the python function
def DoneCallback_py(taskHandle, status, callbackData):
    print "Status",status.value
    return 0 # The function should return an integer

# Convert the python function to a C function callback
# The name is defined in DAQmxTypes
DoneCallback = DAQmxDoneEventCallbackPtr(DoneCallback_py)

# Register the function

Send data to a callback function

NIDAQmx provides a method of passing arbitrary data to a callback function via the callbackData argument to the DAQmxRegisterXXXEvent() functions.

PyDAQmx uses the weakref module to send data to a callback function. You first need to register your data to get an id that you send to the callback using the create_callbackdata_id() function. You can get the object back with the get_callbackdata_from_id() function.

Here is an example:

from PyDAQmx.DAQmxCallBack import *
from numpy import zeros

# Class of the data object
# one cannot create a weakref to a list directly
# but the following works well
class MyList(list):

# list where the data are stored
data = MyList()
id_data = create_callbackdata_id(data)

def EveryNCallback_py(taskHandle, everyNsamplesEventType, nSamples, callbackData_ptr):
    callbackdata = get_callbackdata_from_id(callbackData_ptr)
    read = int32()
    data = zeros(1000)
    print "Acquired total %d samples"%len(data)
    return 0 # The function should return an integer

# Convert the python function to a C function callback
EveryNCallback = DAQmxEveryNSamplesEventCallbackPtr(EveryNCallback_py)


Using a Task object

The PyDAQmx module provides an object-oriented interface to the driver (see the How to use PyDAQmx ssection). With this technique, a method is registered as a callback function. This gives access to all the attributes of the object inside the callback function.

Here is an example:

from PyDAQmx import Task
from numpy import zeros

"""This example is a PyDAQmx version of the ContAcq_IntClk.c example
It illustrates the use of callback functions

This example demonstrates how to acquire a continuous amount of
data using the DAQ device's internal clock. It incrementally stores the data
in a Python list.

class CallbackTask(Task):
    def __init__(self):
        Task.__init__(self) = zeros(1000)
        self.a = []
    def EveryNCallback(self):
        read = int32()
        return 0 # The function should return an integer
    def DoneCallback(self, status):
        print "Status",status.value
        return 0 # The function should return an integer


raw_input('Acquiring samples continuously. Press Enter to interrupt\n')
