
At this moment only Linux platform is supported.(tested on KUbuntu 16.04).


In this page it is explained how to compile and install from source in a Linux Platform


Following packages shall be preinstalled before proceeding the installation of PyCLP


Download source files from PyCLP sources

Compilation & Installation

Setup Enviromental variables for ECLiPSe:

ECLIPSEDIR enviromental variable shall be set to the folder where is located ECLiPSe system. This is required for compiling and using PyCLP.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviromental variable shall contains the path of folder that contains the ECLiPSe sharable library. E.g. <eclipsedir>/lib/<platform>.

Install using usual method

sudo python install

Regression test


Tested enviroment

The present version of pyclp is tested on

  • KUbuntu 13.04 (64bit) , Python 2.7 and 3.5

However it is expected working on other platform that fullfill the requirements.


Binary installation


Following packages shall be preinstalled before proceeding the installation of PyCLP python3 register

Enviroment variables

Setup Enviromental variables for ECLiPSe:

ECLIPSEDIR enviromental variable shall be set to the folder where is located ECLiPSe system. This is required for compiling and using PyCLP.

PATH add in the path the folder where is stored the eclipse.dll file

Download & Install

Download msi installer from PyCLP sources

Installation from sources


Following packages shall be preinstalled before proceeding the installation of PyCLP


Download source files from PyCLP sources

Compilation & Installation

Setup Enviromental variables for ECLiPSe:

ECLIPSEDIR enviromental variable shall be set to the folder where is located ECLiPSe system. This is required for compiling and using PyCLP.

PATH add in the path the folder where is stored the eclipse.dll file

Install using usual method

python install

Regression test


Tested enviroment

The present version of pyclp is tested on

  • Windows 10 (64bit), Python 2.7, 3.3

However it is expected working on other platform that fullfill the requirements.