
Podis-Web is a web interface which permit you to contribute with data.

Podis-Web is a free software published under the term of licence GNU Affero General Public License.

What is Podis-Web ?

Podis-Web is design to be a user interface to allow people contributing. Podis-Web is a web service, scripts can interract with it via the network, other website can use it as a data source for autocompleter. And the principal use of it is the possibility to everyone to vote for routes or making new ones.



Podis-Web depends on following software

In order to know the precise list of dependancies, read the file setup.py (install_requires variable especially)


After installing these dependancies, you must download Podis itself.:

git clone git://gitorious.org:infos-pratiques/podis-web.git
cd podis-web/

Then, you can follow the step Configuring


Configuration file is called developement.ini. This file is used to define where the database is.


To install Podis-Web, run:

sudo python ./setup.py develop --no-deps --prefix=/usr/local

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