Data Format =========== Podis is based on a mongodb collection to store information about INSEE code and postal code (or region code). The more entry it has, the more efficient it'll be. Below, a small description of each field from this collection. Common_code ----------- The common code correspond in most of the cases to postal code. But there is also regions, departments and a few more kind of territory, so we can't speak about only postal code. Population ---------- This field isn't directly relevant, but it gives a good way for sorting result. The larger a City is, the more chance it'll be the searched one. Simple_name and Simple_words ---------------------------- The most important field for searching the collections, indexes are mades on these field. Lots of variant can be regrouped by simple_name, and it allows a faster and simpler search Territory --------- This is a couple of kind and code. Kind for the kind of territory (Communes, Regions...etc...) and the official code associated. Variants ---------- This list regroup all differents names corresponding to simple name TODO : mettre un exemple #. `name` 'name' is the way we name the route. #. `score` 'score' is a ratio to simplify searched. Higher the score is, better the variant is ranked. #. `pobox` Pobox is a boolean. If it's *True*, then the postal distribution contains one of the following words : *ARMEE*, *ARMEES*, *CEDEX*, *UNIVERSITE*, *UNIVERSITES*. See :dfn:`pobox` in glossary for more detail #. `ballots` Ballots is the list of votes, score is computed with these ballots Ballots ------- Ballots fields are lists nested in Variants, it contains all votes made by the community. #. `author` 'author' is the login name (email in v2.0) of the author, the person who voted #. `timestamp` Date of vote #. `mark` Can be -1, 0 or 1. -1 means that the entry is not correct, 1 means that's a good entry. Whem cumulated, the variant with the higher sum of marks is chosen as the best solution.