.. image:: _static/P-SphinxThemeMain350_220.png :align: center ============= Documentation ============= This is release |release| of a Python package named :mod:`!PSphinxTheme`. *P-Sphinx Theme* stands for *Projects-Sphinx Theme*. It contains a main `Sphinx `_ theme named "p-main_theme" and some derivation of it, as well as some related Sphinx extensions. *P-Sphinx Theme* and its extensions are primarily oriented towards generating html documentation for Python libraries using `Python 3`. It provides numerous small enhancements to make the *html documentation* more interactive, improve the layout on mobile devices, and others. Acknowledgements ================ Most parts of ``P-Sphinx Theme's`` code and documentation originate from **Eli Collins's** excellent `cloud_sptheme `_ v1.6. THANKS Main changes ------------ To fit my own projects. - renamed - reformatted (3 space indentation, 125 char lines) - some fixes - removed python2 related parts - changes and additions .. seealso:: :doc:`Changelog ` Contents ======== Themes ------ **p-main_theme:** :doc:`P-Sphinx Main Theme ` the main Sphinx theme provided by this package. .. index:: sphinx theme; p-green **p-green:** a derivation of the `p-main_theme theme` .. index:: sphinx theme; p-greenblue **p-greenblue:** a derivation of the `p-main_theme theme` .. index:: sphinx theme; p-greycreme **p-greycreme:** a derivation of the `p-main_theme theme` .. index:: sphinx theme; p-red **p-red:** a derivation of the `p-main_theme theme` used for this documentation Extensions ---------- The following Sphinx extensions provide features used by the *P-SphinxTheme*: :mod:`PSphinxTheme.ext.index_styling` Adds additional css styling classes to the index page. :mod:`PSphinxTheme.ext.relbar_links` Adds any link to the top/bottom navigation bar. :mod:`PSphinxTheme.ext.psphinx_admonitions` A collection of all *official P-SphinxTheme admonitions* :mod:`PSphinxTheme.ext.sidebarlogo_perpag` PSphinxTheme.ext.sidebarlogo_perpag - override sphinx sidebar logo per-page This package also provides a few extra Sphinx extensions which may be useful when documenting Python projects: :mod:`PSphinxTheme.ext.issue_tracker` Adds a special ``:issue:`` role for quickly linking to your project's issue tracker. :mod:`PSphinxTheme.ext.escaped_samp_literals` Patches Sphinx to permit escaped ``{}`` characters within a ``:samp:`` role. :mod:`PSphinxTheme.ext.table_styling` Enhances ``.. table`` directive to support per-column text alignment and other layout features. Reference --------- :doc:`install` requirements and installations instructions :doc:`history` history of current and past releases Examples -------- :doc:`theme_test` main display of various features of the *P-Sphinx Theme* Online Resources ================ .. rst-class:: html-plain-table ====================== =============================================== Homepage: ``_ Online Docs: ``_ Download & PyPI: ``_ ====================== =============================================== Related Resources ----------------- .. rst-class:: html-plain-table =================== ==================================================== ================================================ python_lconf_lexer: ``_ a simple pygments lexer for LCONF =================== ==================================================== ================================================ Projects using PSphinxTheme =========================== Known `projects` which make use of: **PSphinxTheme** - `PySpeedIT `_ A collection of: Benchmark-IT, Profile-IT, Line-Memory-Profile-IT, Disassemble-IT. - `LCONF `_ L(ight) CONF(iguration): A light - human-friendly, simple readable data serialization format for dynamic configuration. - `JqPyCharts `_ `JqPyCharts` is a selection of: Javascripts / Css for simple charts in python projects. - `PyNHEP `_ PyNHEP: The N(utrition) and H(ealthy) E(ating) P(lanner).