
class odoorpc.ODOO(host='localhost', protocol='jsonrpc', port=8069, timeout=120, version=None, opener=None)

Return a new instance of the ODOO class. JSON-RPC protocol is used to make requests, and the respective values for the protocol parameter are jsonrpc (default) and jsonrpc+ssl.

>>> import odoorpc
>>> odoo = odoorpc.ODOO('localhost', protocol='jsonrpc', port=8069)

OdooRPC will try by default to detect the server version in order to adapt its requests if necessary. However, it is possible to force the version to use with the version parameter:

>>> odoo = odoorpc.ODOO('localhost', version='10.0')

You can also define a custom URL opener to handle HTTP requests. A use case is to manage a basic HTTP authentication in front of Odoo:

>>> import urllib.request
>>> import odoorpc
>>> pwd_mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
>>> pwd_mgr.add_password(None, "http://example.net", "userName", "passWord")
>>> auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pwd_mgr)
>>> opener = urllib.request.build_opener(auth_handler)
>>> odoo = odoorpc.ODOO('example.net', port=80, opener=opener)

Python 2:

Raise:ValueError (wrong protocol, port value, timeout value)
Raise:urllib2.URLError (connection error)

Python 3:

Raise:ValueError (wrong protocol, port value, timeout value)
Raise:urllib.error.URLError (connection error)

Dictionary of available configuration options.

>>> odoo.config
{'auto_commit': True, 'auto_context': True, 'timeout': 120}
  • auto_commit: if set to True (default), each time a value is set on a record field a RPC request is sent to the server to update the record (see odoorpc.env.Environment.commit()).
  • auto_context: if set to True (default), the user context will be sent automatically to every call of a model method (default: True):
>>> odoo.env.context['lang'] = 'fr_FR'
>>> Product = odoo.env['product.product']
>>> Product.name_get([2])   # Context sent by default ('lang': 'fr_FR' here)
[[2, 'Surveillance sur site']]
>>> odoo.config['auto_context'] = False
>>> Product.name_get([2])   # No context sent, 'en_US' used
[[2, 'On Site Monitoring']]
  • timeout: set the maximum timeout in seconds for a RPC request (default: 120):

    >>> odoo.config['timeout'] = 300

The database management service. See the odoorpc.db.DB class.


The environment which wraps data to manage records such as the user context and the registry to access data model proxies.

>>> Partner = odoo.env['res.partner']
>>> Partner

See the odoorpc.env.Environment class.

exec_workflow(model, record_id, signal)

Execute the workflow signal on the instance having the ID record_id of model.

Python 2:

Raise:odoorpc.error.InternalError (if not logged)
Raise:urllib2.URLError (connection error)

Python 3:

Raise:odoorpc.error.InternalError (if not logged)
Raise:urllib.error.URLError (connection error)
execute(model, method, *args)

Execute the method of model. *args parameters varies according to the method used.

>>> odoo.execute('res.partner', 'read', [1], ['name'])
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'YourCompany'}]

Python 2:

Returns:the result returned by the method called
Raise:odoorpc.error.InternalError (if not logged)
Raise:urllib2.URLError (connection error)

Python 3:

Returns:the result returned by the method called
Raise:odoorpc.error.InternalError (if not logged)
Raise:urllib.error.URLError (connection error)
execute_kw(model, method, args=None, kwargs=None)

Execute the method of model. args is a list of parameters (in the right order), and kwargs a dictionary (named parameters). Both varies according to the method used.

>>> odoo.execute_kw('res.partner', 'read', [[1]], {'fields': ['name']})
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'YourCompany'}]

Python 2:

Returns:the result returned by the method called
Raise:odoorpc.error.InternalError (if not logged)
Raise:urllib2.URLError (connection error)

Python 3:

Returns:the result returned by the method called
Raise:odoorpc.error.InternalError (if not logged)
Raise:urllib.error.URLError (connection error)

Hostname of IP address of the the server.

http(url, data=None, headers=None)

Low level method to execute raw HTTP queries.


For low level JSON-RPC queries, see the more convenient odoorpc.ODOO.json() method instead.

You have to know the names of each POST parameter required by the URL, and set them in the data string/buffer. The data argument must be built by yourself, following the expected URL parameters (with urllib.urlencode() function for simple parameters, or multipart/form-data structure to handle file upload).

E.g., the HTTP raw query to get the company logo on Odoo 10.0:

>>> response = odoo.http('web/binary/company_logo')
>>> binary_data = response.read()

Python 2:

Raise:urllib2.URLError (connection error)

Python 3:

Raise:urllib.error.URLError (connection error)
json(url, params)

Low level method to execute JSON queries. It basically performs a request and raises an odoorpc.error.RPCError exception if the response contains an error.

You have to know the names of each parameter required by the function called, and set them in the params dictionary.

Here an authentication request:

>>> data = odoo.json(
...     '/web/session/authenticate',
...     {'db': 'db_name', 'login': 'admin', 'password': 'admin'})
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(data)
{'id': 645674382,
 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
 'result': {'db': 'db_name',
            'session_id': 'fa740abcb91784b8f4750c5c5b14da3fcc782d11',
            'uid': 1,
            'user_context': {'lang': 'en_US',
                             'tz': 'Europe/Brussels',
                             'uid': 1},
            'username': 'admin'}}

And a call to the read method of the res.users model:

>>> data = odoo.json(
...     '/web/dataset/call',
...     {'model': 'res.users', 'method': 'read',
...      'args': [[1], ['name']]})
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(data)
{'id': ...,
 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
 'result': [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Administrator'}]}

Python 2:

Returns:a dictionary (JSON response)
Raise:urllib2.HTTPError (if params is not a dictionary)
Raise:urllib2.URLError (connection error)

Python 3:

Returns:a dictionary (JSON response)
Raise:urllib.error.HTTPError (if params is not a dictionary)
Raise:urllib.error.URLError (connection error)
classmethod list(rc_file='~/.odoorpcrc')

Return a list of all stored sessions available in the rc_file file:

>>> import odoorpc
>>> odoorpc.ODOO.list()
['foo', 'bar']

Use the save and load methods to manage such sessions.

Python 2:


Python 3:

classmethod load(name, rc_file='~/.odoorpcrc')

Return a connected ODOO session identified by name:

>>> import odoorpc
>>> odoo = odoorpc.ODOO.load('foo')

Such sessions are stored with the save method.

Python 2:

Raise:urllib2.URLError (connection error)

Python 3:

Raise:urllib.error.URLError (connection error)
login(db, login='admin', password='admin')

Log in as the given user with the password passwd on the database db.

>>> odoo.login('db_name', 'admin', 'admin')
>>> odoo.env.user.name

Python 2:

Raise:urllib2.URLError (connection error)

Python 3:

Raise:urllib.error.URLError (connection error)

Log out the user.

>>> odoo.logout()

Python 2:

Returns:True if the operation succeed, False if no user was logged
Raise:urllib2.URLError (connection error)

Python 3:

Returns:True if the operation succeed, False if no user was logged
Raise:urllib.error.URLError (connection error)

The port used.


The protocol used.

classmethod remove(name, rc_file='~/.odoorpcrc')

Remove the session identified by name from the rc_file file:

>>> import odoorpc
>>> odoorpc.ODOO.remove('foo')

Python 2:

Raise:ValueError (if the session does not exist)

Python 3:

Raise:ValueError (if the session does not exist)

The report management service. See the odoorpc.report.Report class.

save(name, rc_file='~/.odoorpcrc')

Save the current ODOO instance (a session) inside rc_file (~/.odoorpcrc by default). This session will be identified by name:

>>> import odoorpc
>>> odoo = odoorpc.ODOO('localhost', port=8069)
>>> odoo.login('db_name', 'admin', 'admin')
>>> odoo.save('foo')

Use the list class method to list all stored sessions, and the load class method to retrieve an already-connected ODOO instance.

Python 2:

Raise:odoorpc.error.InternalError (if not logged)

Python 3:

Raise:odoorpc.error.InternalError (if not logged)

The version of the server.

>>> odoo.version