The plotting module

This module contains a collection of tools for plotting and image processing that shall facilitate the generation and handling of your data visualizations. It utilizes the Matplotlib and the Python Imaging Library (PIL) packages.

Universal Functions and Classes for Normal Matplotlib Use

The following functions might be useful for every user of the Matplotlib package.

The function get_display(display)


  • display - if True, a new figure is created. Otherwise, if display is a subplot object, this object is returned.


A pylab object with a plot() function to draw the plots.

The function progress_bar(progress)


  • progress - a float between 0. and 1.


Prints a progress bar to stdout, filled to the given ratio.

Example of usage:

>>> progress_bar(0.7)
|===================================               |

The function pylab_params(fig_width_pt, ratio, text_fontsize, tick_labelsize, useTex)


  • fig_width_pt - figure width in points. If you want to use your figure inside LaTeX, get this value from LaTeX using ‘\showthe\columnwidth’.
  • ratio - ratio between the height and the width of the figure
  • text_fontsize - size of axes and in-pic text fonts
  • tick_labelsize - size of tick label font
  • useTex - enables or disables the use of LaTeX for all labels and texts (for details on how to do that, see


A dictionary with a set of parameters that help to nicely format figures. The return object can be used to update the pylab run command parameters dictionary ‘pylab.rcParams’.

The function set_axis_limits(subplot, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)


  • subplot - the targeted plot
  • xmin, xmax - the limits of the x axis
  • ymin, ymax - the limits of the y axis


Defines the axis limits in a plot.

Example of usage:

>>> x = range(10)
>>> y = []
>>> for i in x: y.append(i*i)
>>> pylab.plot(x,y)
>>> plotting.set_axis_limits(pylab, 0., 10., 0., 100.)

The function set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel)


  • subplot - the targeted plot
  • xlabel - a string for the x label
  • ylabel - a string for the y label


Defines the axis labels of a plot.

Example of usage:

>>> x = range(10)
>>> y = []
>>> for i in x: y.append(i*i)
>>> pylab.plot(x,y)
>>> plotting.set_labels(pylab, 'x', 'y=x^2')

The function set_pylab_params(fig_width_pt, ratio, text_fontsize, tick_labelsize, useTex)


  • fig_width_pt - figure width in points. If you want to use your figure inside LaTeX, get this value from LaTeX using ‘\showthe\columnwidth’.
  • ratio - ratio between the height and the width of the figure
  • text_fontsize - size of axes and in-pic text fonts
  • tick_labelsize - size of tick label font
  • useTex - enables or disables the use of LaTeX for all labels and texts (for details on how to do that, see


Updates a set of parameters within the the pylab run command parameters dictionary ‘pylab.rcParams’ in order to achieve nicely formatted figures.

Special Plotting Functions and Classes for Specific Requirements

The function save_2D_image(mat, filename)


  • mat - a 2D numpy array of floats between 0 and 1
  • filename - string specifying the filename where to save the data, has to end on ‘.png’


Saves a 2D numpy array of gray shades between 0 and 1 to a PNG file.

Example of usage:

>>> import numpy
>>> a = numpy.random.random([100,100]) # creates a 2D numpy array with random values between 0. and 1.
>>> save_2D_image(a,'randomarray100x100.png')

The function save_2D_movie(frame_list, filename, frame_duration)


  • frame_list - a list of 2D numpy arrays of floats between 0 and 1
  • filename - string specifying the filename where to save the data, has to end on ‘.zip’
  • frame_duration - specifier for the duration per frame, will be stored as additional meta-data for later playing


Saves a list of 2D numpy arrays of gray shades between 0 and 1 to a zipped tree of PNG files.

Example of usage:

>>> import numpy
>>> framelist = []
>>> for i in range(100): framelist.append(numpy.random.random([100,100])) # creates a list of 2D numpy arrays with random values between 0. and 1.
>>> save_2D_movie(framelist, '', 0.1)

The SimpleMultiplot class

This class creates a figure consisting of multiple panels, all with the same datatype and the same x-range.

Creation / Constructor Arguments:

  • nrows - number of rows
  • ncolumns - number of columns
  • title - the title of the multi-plot
  • xlabel - label for all x-axes
  • ylabel - label for all y-axes
  • scaling - a tuple consisting of two string out of {“liner”,”log”}, determining the scaling of the x-axis and y-axis

Here is an example of creating a SimpleMultiplot object:

>>> nrows = 4
>>> ncolumns = 5
>>> title = 'a SimpleMultiplot'
>>> xlabel = 'the x axis'
>>> ylabel = 'the y axis'
>>> scaling = ('linear','log')
>>> smp = SimpleMultiplot(nrows=self.nrows, ncolumns=self.ncolumns, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, scaling=scaling)

Selecting Panels:

Handles to panels can be directly accessed by their indices via the function call panel(i) or by stepping iteratively through them with function next_panel().

Defining Frames:

The frames surrounding a panel can be defined with the function set_frame(ax, boollist, linewidth), where ax is the handle to the panel of choice, boollist is a list of four booleans defining if [bottom, left, top, right] of the panel shall have a frame line with width linewidth.

Finalising and Saving:

Once a SimpleMultiplot is ready to be saved, calling finalise() will turn off tick labels for all x-axes except the bottom one. The whole plot is saved to a filename and type of choice with the call save(filename).



This module contains a collection of tools for plotting and image processing that shall facilitate the generation and handling of NeuroTools data visualizations. It utilizes the Matplotlib and the Python Imaging Library (PIL) packages.


SimpleMultiplot - object that creates and handles a figure consisting of multiple panels, all with the same datatype and the same x-range.


get_display - returns a pylab object with a plot() function to draw the plots. progress_bar - prints a progress bar to stdout, filled to the given ratio. pylab_params - returns a dictionary with a set of parameters that help to nicely format figures by updating the pylab run command parameters dictionary ‘pylab.rcParams’. set_axis_limits - defines the axis limits in a plot. set_labels - defines the axis labels of a plot. set_pylab_params - updates a set of parameters within the the pylab run command parameters dictionary ‘pylab.rcParams’ in order to achieve nicely formatted figures. save_2D_image - saves a 2D numpy array of gray shades between 0 and 1 to a PNG file. save_2D_movie - saves a list of 2D numpy arrays of gray shades between 0 and 1 to a zipped tree of PNG files.

class NeuroTools.plotting.SimpleMultiplot(nrows, ncolumns, title='', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, scaling=('linear', 'linear'))[source]

A figure consisting of multiple panels, all with the same datatype and the same x-range.


Adjustments to be made after all panels have been plotted.


Changes to next panel within figure.


Returns panel i.


Saves/prints the figure to file.

filename - string specifying the filename where to save the data
set_frame(ax, boollist, linewidth=2)[source]

Defines frames for the chosen axis.

as - the targeted axis boollist - a list linewidth - the limits of the y axis

Returns a pylab object with a plot() function to draw the plots.

display - if True, a new figure is created. Otherwise, if display is a
subplot object, this object is returned.

Prints a progress bar to stdout.

progress - a float between 0. and 1.
>> progress_bar(0.7)
|=================================== |
NeuroTools.plotting.pylab_params(fig_width_pt=246.0, ratio=0.6180339887498949, text_fontsize=10, tick_labelsize=8, useTex=False)[source]

Returns a dictionary with a set of parameters that help to nicely format figures. The return object can be used to update the pylab run command parameters dictionary ‘pylab.rcParams’.

fig_width_pt - figure width in points. If you want to use your figure inside LaTeX,
get this value from LaTeX using ‘showthecolumnwidth’.

ratio - ratio between the height and the width of the figure. text_fontsize - size of axes and in-pic text fonts. tick_labelsize - size of tick label font. useTex - enables or disables the use of LaTeX for all labels and texts

(for details on how to do that, see
NeuroTools.plotting.save_2D_image(mat, filename)[source]

Saves a 2D numpy array of gray shades between 0 and 1 to a PNG file.

mat - a 2D numpy array of floats between 0 and 1 filename - string specifying the filename where to save the data, has to end on ‘.png’
>> import numpy >> a = numpy.random.random([100,100]) # creates a 2D numpy array with random values between 0. and 1. >> save_2D_image(a,’randomarray100x100.png’)
NeuroTools.plotting.save_2D_movie(frame_list, filename, frame_duration)[source]

Saves a list of 2D numpy arrays of gray shades between 0 and 1 to a zipped tree of PNG files.

frame_list - a list of 2D numpy arrays of floats between 0 and 1 filename - string specifying the filename where to save the data, has to end on ‘.zip’ frame_duration - specifier for the duration per frame, will be stored as additional meta-data
>> import numpy >> framelist = [] >> for i in range(100): framelist.append(numpy.random.random([100,100])) # creates a list of 2D numpy arrays with random values between 0. and 1. >> save_2D_movie(framelist, ‘’, 0.1)
NeuroTools.plotting.set_axis_limits(subplot, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)[source]

Defines the axis limits of a plot.

subplot - the targeted plot xmin, xmax - the limits of the x axis ymin, ymax - the limits of the y axis
>> x = range(10) >> y = [] >> for i in x: y.append(i*i) >> pylab.plot(x,y) >> plotting.set_axis_limits(pylab, 0., 10., 0., 100.)
NeuroTools.plotting.set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel)[source]

Defines the axis labels of a plot.

subplot - the targeted plot xlabel - a string for the x label ylabel - a string for the y label
>> x = range(10) >> y = [] >> for i in x: y.append(i*i) >> pylab.plot(x,y) >> plotting.set_labels(pylab, ‘x’, ‘y=x^2’)
NeuroTools.plotting.set_pylab_params(fig_width_pt=246.0, ratio=0.6180339887498949, text_fontsize=10, tick_labelsize=8, useTex=False)[source]

Updates a set of parameters within the the pylab run command parameters dictionary ‘pylab.rcParams’ in order to achieve nicely formatted figures.

fig_width_pt - figure width in points. If you want to use your figure inside LaTeX,
get this value from LaTeX using ‘showthecolumnwidth’

ratio - ratio between the height and the width of the figure text_fontsize - size of axes and in-pic text fonts tick_labelsize - size of tick label font useTex - enables or disables the use of LaTeX for all labels and texts

(for details on how to do that, see