MarkWiki Features

MarkWiki stays very true to the original Markdown specification with some minor deviations. It also has other cool features that make working with Markdown even better!

Normal Markdown syntax does not include wiki links, but MarkWiki does. Text between open and closing double square brackets will be treated as a wiki link. [[AnAwesomeWikiPage]] is an example of a valid wiki link.

Wiki links can include letters, numbers, dashes, underscores, spaces, and forward slashes.

If you ever need to use a literal [[ for some reason, you can use a backslash (\) immediately before each square bracket. This will prevent MarkWiki from turning it into a wiki link.


By default, MarkWiki lets any anonymous user edit (and delete!) whatever they want. This enables teams to start up quickly if they do not care about controlling access.

Some teams, however, would like to reduce the number of people who can edit the wiki, so MarkWiki makes it easy to enable user identification. When authentication is enabled, only logged in users will be able to create, edit, and delete wiki pages. See MarkWiki/Settings for more information.

Wiki Sections

A forward slash in a wiki link is used to group pages. MarkWiki takes advantage of this categorization itself by putting all its help pages under the MarkWiki category. This documentation generally refers to these categories as "Sections." Sections can exist within other sections and can be as deep as desired, but it is recommended that you Please/Do/Not/Torture/Others.

All content in MarkWiki is tracked by a search tool. This means that the information that you're looking for is right at your fingertips. Type a search into the search box and be on your way.

Table Of Contents

You can add a table of contents anywhere in the wiki page by putting [TOC] on a line by itself. This page has an example if you look at the Markdown source.

Code Highlighting

MarkWiki supports code blocks in traditional Markdown style (i.e. by using identation). MarkWiki also supports a code block style similar to GitHub. You can create a code block by using triple backticks (```) at the beginning of a line and closing the block with more triple backticks.

<Your code here>

This technique can also be used to highlight code if you provide the language after the first set of backticks. Check the source of this help page and look at the example below.

class Foo(object):
    '''This is a Python documentation string.'''

    def __init__(self, bar): = bar


In some scenarios, you may not be able to run a web server that is able to run MarkWiki, but you need to publish a readable version of your wiki. For that, you can freeze your wiki to take a snapshot of the content. It's exactly how the MarkWiki documentation is hosted on To freeze your wiki, run:

$ markwiki -f "<destination>"

In the example, <destination> is the directory that you want the frozen wiki to be stored.

Git integration

Git can be enabled on Markwiki to handle the versioning of your different wiki pages. This allows you to view a file's history of each page and get back to any version in a few clicks.

To use it, please make sure git is in your PATH and then follow instructions under MarkWiki Specific Settings in MarkWiki/Settings.


MarkWiki provides a method to completely customize the interface through use of the STATIC_PATH and TEMPLATE_PATH settings. By using these settings, an intrepid user can create all new themes and structure for MarkWiki's pages. Check out Advanced Settings in MarkWiki/Settings for more.