Deploying MarkWiki

So you're past the evaluation period and ready to make MarkWiki more permanent? Great, let's get you going.

MarkWiki is built on top of a web framework called Flask. This is unimportant except that the authors of Flask have great documentation on how to deploy Flask applications. Since MarkWiki is a Flask app, this documentation applies to MarkWiki so check out the Flask deployment docs.

There are also different setting that a system administrator will want to set for MarkWiki. All the settings are documented on the MarkWiki/Settings page.

An Example With Nginx

Nginx is a popular web server to use when deploying to production environments. This section will attempt to provide a realistic deployment example using MarkWiki and Nginx (via uWSGI). This is to help those that might get confused by the somewhat unspecific examples listed in the Flask documentation.

Now, here is a bit of context. MarkWiki is a WSGI application. uWSGI is software that can run WSGI application very quickly. Nginx will talk to uWSGI to get web data from MarkWiki.

This sample configuration was done with Ubuntu 12.04. There may be differences in what is required to set up MarkWiki for your particular environment.

First, install Nginx, uWSGI, and the uWSGI Python plugin. The Python development package is included so that some of MarkWiki's dependencies can include some optional speed-ups. Also, install pip.

With the necessary Ubuntu packages installed, install MarkWiki.

$ sudo apt-get install nginx uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python python-dev python-pip
$ sudo pip install MarkWiki

By default, Nginx will be configured to start automatically on reboot, but for first time use, start it.

$ sudo service nginx start


$ uwsgi --plugin python --http :9090 --module markwiki --callable app

TODO: There is more to show:

  • uWSGI is still not hooked into Nginx. MarkWiki is visible locally on 9090 but 80 or 443 are still high and dry. :(
  • Does Flask need any modifications for proxies? Investigating...
  • How does uWSGI survive restarts? init.d script? upstart? supervisord? Lots of potential options to explore.
  • Show SSL setup for authentication support? That would be nice.

TODO: I promise I'll try to finish the example here. In the interim, you may have some success with the uWSGI quickstart.