Hwrapper is python 3+ wrapper for hbase rest.

Common Usage :

start your hbase rest $bin/hbase rest start -p 9300 (Default port is 8080) check out wiki for more detailed tutorial.

Creating a table

hwrapper=Hwrapper() hwrapper.connectionParameters("host","port", False) // third argument set to false if you are not using https hwrapper.setAcceptType("json") columnFamilies={"cf","cf1"} hwrapper.create_table("table_name",columnFamilies)

get Row data by ID (decoded base64 values)

hwrapper.get_RowBy_ID("0000000-120529115546748") // outputs list of dicts, dicts contain column names and values

Dropping a table


Displaying table schema


Listing all tables from hbase
