geo2d Package


Very basic 2D abstract geometry package. It defines these geometrical constructs:


Except for the Point and Vector classes which will be discussed below, all of the other classes define a __getitem__ method that can be used to retreive the points defining the GeometricObject by indices.

The Point class defines the __getitem__ method in a sperate way, i.e. it returns the Cartesian coordinates of the Point by indinces. The Vector class does the same except it returns the x & y Cartesian coordinates in this case.


get_perpendicular_to(obj[, at_point]) Creates a new Vector or Line perpendicular with
GeometricObject Abstract geometric object class.
Point(*args) An abstract mathematical point.
Vector(*args, **kwargs) An abstract Vector object.
BoundingBox(obj) Represents the far extremeties of another GeometricObject
Line(arg1, arg2) An abstract mathematical Line.
Ray(arg1, arg2) A Ray extension on Line.
Segment(arg1, arg2) An extension on Line.
Polygon(vertices) A general (closed) Polygon class.


This module is used by the geometry module. It introduces some helper functions that I felt would best go in another module altogether.


find_first_missing(seq) Given an ascending sequence seq, the first missing number is returned
float_to_2pi(angle) Convert any floating point number to the inverval [0, 2pi).
rotated(list_, by) Rotates an iterable (but only if it supports negative indexing) by the given amount.
cached_property(func) Simple decorator for caching class properties.

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