.. Geo2D documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sat Jun 15 18:49:32 2013. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to Geo2D's documentation! ================================= This is the documentation for Geo2D `Python `_ 3 compatible package. I made this package because I started a pet-project, a little game that I'm working on and I didn't find a suitable 2D geometry `Python `_ package. This and also because I wanted to learn a new few things... practice makes perfect... well or at least fools you into thinking you can become perfect. So this is by no means a complete package, but it does the job I'm after at least. Hope you'll find it as useful as I did. .. include:: api/modules.rst Since I feel so generous here is a little something you can do with this package:: import geo2d.geometry as g import matplotlib.pyplot as plt p = g.Polygon(((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 5), (5, 0))) amin = 1 amax = 4 rmax = 14 pL = [p] s = [] while len(pL) > 0: pW = pL.pop() tmp_p, tmp_s = pW.divide(relative_phi=90) a = min((p.area for p in tmp_p)) r = max((p.bbox_width/p.bbox_height for p in tmp_p)) while (a < amin) or (r > rmax): tmp_p, tmp_s = pW.divide(relative_phi=90) a = min((p.area for p in tmp_p)) r = max((p.bbox_width/p.bbox_height for p in tmp_p)) s += tmp_s for i in tmp_p: if i.area > amax: pL += [i] plt.plot([i.x for i in p], [i.y for i in p]) for i in s: plt.plot([j.x for j in i], [j.y for j in i], 'r-') plt.xlim((-1, 6)) plt.ylim((-1, 6)) plt.show() *Note you have to have matplotlib installed for this to work*. (http://matplotlib.org - I'm sure you do). Try to run it and figure it out... well you have to, since I won't give any documentation on it :D. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`