Source code for bot.image_search

"""Image searching function
used to search and send random images to slack channel"""
import json
from random import randrange

import requests

from conf.config import KEY, USER
from bot.debug import print_debug

[docs]def search_image(input): """ search_image function :param: input :return: result url """ try: # search engine initialization searchTerm = "Futurama "+input startIndex = str(randrange(0, 25)) key = KEY cx = USER searchUrl = "" + \ searchTerm + "&start=" + startIndex + "&key=" + key + "&cx=" + cx + \ "&searchType=image" r = requests.get(searchUrl) response = r.content.decode('utf-8') result = json.loads(response) rand_index = randrange(0, 10) url = result["items"][rand_index]["link"] print_debug(url) return url except Exception as e: print(e)