Source code for bot.frybot

"""This is frybot.

A Slack bot that sends Futurama memes and quotes.

"""  # Module comment : detailed module explanation.

import asyncio
import json
from random import randrange
from time import sleep  # Separate Python stdlib and external imports (PEP8)

import giphypop
from slackclient import SlackClient

from conf.config import TOKEN, DEBUG
from bot.debug import print_debug
from bot import image_search

[docs]class FryBot(object): # DOCSTRINGS btw triple-double-guote (PEP8) : """Bot that sends Futurama's Fry memes and quotes.""" def __init__(self, token): """:param: token""" self.giphy = giphypop.Giphy() # Giphy works with public auth, so we use it as is. = SlackClient(token) = None = None self.user_id = None self.quote_list = ["Farnsworth: My God! I've got to save them! " "Although I am already in my pajamas. [falls asleep]", "Bender: Bite my shiny metal ass.\nFry: It doesn't look so shiny to me.", "Prof. Farnsworth: Please, Fry. I don't know how to teach. I'm a professor." ] def _fgif(self, event, event_username, user_channel): # Private methods/functions start with _(PEP8) """Prepare GIF for sending :param: event :param: event_name :param: user_channel :return: media url""" query = event["text"][5:] response = self.giphy.search_list("Futurama", query) rand_index = randrange(0, len(response)) input = response[rand_index] return"chat.postMessage", as_user="true", channel=user_channel, text="<@{0}> {1}".format(event_username, "Shut up and take my Gif!"), attachments=json.dumps([{"title": "image", "image_url": input.media_url}])) def _fpict(self, event, event_username, user_channel): """Prepare picture URL for sending :param: event :param: event_name :param: user_channel :return: image url""" value = event["text"].find("fpict") + 6 search_word = event["text"][value:] print_debug(search_word) return"chat.postMessage", as_user="true", channel=user_channel, text="<@{0}> {1}".format(event_username, "Shut up and take my Pict!"), attachments=json.dumps([{"title": "image", "image_url": image_search.search_image(search_word)}]) ) def _fquote(self, event_username, user_channel): """Prepare quote for sending :param: event :param: event_name :param: user_channel :return: quote""" rand_index = randrange(0, len(self.quote_list)) input = self.quote_list[rand_index] return"chat.postMessage", as_user="true", channel=user_channel, text="<@{0}> {1}".format(event_username, input) ) def _help(self): """Displays the help message to the channel :return: help text.""" return "Not sure if need help or just lost..\n" \ "This bot is dedicated to Futurama, hell yeah you can have some fun\n" \ " - fquote : sends you a random quote \n" \ " - fgif : sends you a random gif \n" \ " - fpict : sends you a random pict \n" \ " - help : hehehe\n" def _parse(self, event): """Parse user input :param: event :return: help message if command not found""" event_username ='', user=event["user"])['user']['name'] user_channel = event["channel"] if "fgif" in event["text"]: msg = self._fgif(event, event_username, user_channel) elif "fquote" in event["text"]: msg = self._fquote(event_username, user_channel) elif "fpict" in event["text"]: msg = self._fpict(event, event_username, user_channel) else:"chat.postMessage", as_user="true", channel=user_channel, text=self._help())
[docs] def run(self): """Run the bot and treat incoming events :except: InterruptError :raise: RuntimeError""" for test in ["api.test", "", "auth.test"]: # Super pythonic testing stuff print_debug( if self.user_id ="auth.test")["user_id"] while True: try: for event in if "type" in event: if event["type"] == "message" and "text" in event \ and "bot_id" not in event and event["text"].startswith("<@"+self.user_id+">:"): print_debug(event) self._parse(event) sleep(0.5) except InterruptedError: print("Something went wrong there..") else: raise RuntimeError("Connection failed to Slack platform...")
if __name__ == '__main__': # behavior "by default" when exec fb = FryBot(TOKEN) try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.set_debug(DEBUG) loop.run_until_complete( loop.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: # ctrl-c print("Bye guyz, I'm out...")