

$ easy_install Flask-GoogleCharts


$ pip install Flask-GoogleCharts

Set Up

Google charts are controlled through a GoogleCharts instance:

from flask import Flask
from flask_googlecharts import GoogleCharts

app = Flask(__name__)
charts = GoogleCharts(app)

You may also set up the GoogleCharts instance later using the init_app method:

charts = GoogleCharts()

app = Flask(__name__)

Creating Charts

Import a chart type and declare it in your view, and give it a name at a minimum:

from flask_googlecharts import BarChart

my_chart = BarChart("my_chart")

The name you declare will be used to access your chart in the template, and also to name the resulting JavaScript variables and HTML tags, so it must start with a letter and not contain any spaces.

You can customize your chart by setting the options argument:

my_chart = BarChart("my_chart", options={'title': 'My Chart'})

Adding Data to a Chart

If you will be pulling JSON data from another endpoint in your application, just specify the url in the data_url argument:

my_chart = BarChart("my_chart", options={'title': 'My Chart'}, data_url=url_for('data'))

You can also populate the chart using the addColumn and addRows methods on the chart:

hot_dog_chart.add_column("string", "Competitor")
hot_dog_chart.add_column("number", "Hot Dogs")
hot_dog_chart.add_rows([["Matthew Stonie", 62],
                        ["Joey Chestnut", 60],
                        ["Eater X", 35.5],
                        ["Erik Denmark", 33],
                        ["Adrian Morgan", 31]])

Including Charts in Templates

First, add the chart javascript to your template:

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Flask-GoogleCharts Example</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    {{ charts_init }}

You must always include the Google Charts API loader on any pages that include charts. If you will be populating your charts with JSON data from another endpoint, you must also include jQuery. When the application is running in debug mode, GoogleCharts will log a warning if these dependencies are not met.

Add the chart HTML to your template:

{{ charts.my_chart }}

Indices and tables