Source code for fileseq.filesequence

#! /usr/bin/env python
filesequence - A parsing object representing sequential files for fileseq.

import os
from glob import iglob
from itertools import imap, ifilter
from fileseq.exceptions import ParseException, FileSeqException
from fileseq.constants import PAD_MAP, DISK_RE, SPLIT_RE, PRINTF_SYNTAX_PADDING_RE
from fileseq.frameset import FrameSet

[docs]class FileSequence(object): """:class:`FileSequence` represents an ordered sequence of files. :type sequence: str :param sequence: (ie: dir/path.1-100#.ext) """ def __init__(self, sequence): if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split(sequence, 1) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in PAD_MAP.keys(): if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = '' elif not frames: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(len(frames)) else: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = '' if self._dir: if not self._dir.endswith(os.sep): self._dir += os.sep else: self._dir = '' self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad)
[docs] def format(self, template="{basename}{range}{padding}{extension}"): """Return the file sequence as a formatted string according to the given template. Utilizes the python string format syntax. Available keys include: * basename - the basename of the sequence. * extension - the file extension of the sequence. * start - the start frame. * end - the end frame. * length - the length of the frame range. * padding - the detecting amount of padding. * inverted - the inverted frame range. (returns "" if none) * dirname - the directory name. :type template: str :rtype: str """ return template.format( basename=self.basename(), extension=self.extension(), start=self.start(), end=self.end(), length=len(self), padding=self.padding(), range=self.frameRange() or "", inverted=self.invertedFrameRange() or "", dirname=self.dirname())
[docs] def split(self): """ Split the :class:`FileSequence` into contiguous pieces and return them as a list of :class:`FileSequence` instances. :rtype: list """ result = [] for frange in self.frameRange().split(","): result.append(FileSequence(''.join( (self._dir, self._base, frange, self._pad, self._ext)))) return result
[docs] def dirname(self): """ Return the directory name of the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._dir
[docs] def setDirname(self, dirname): """ Set a new directory name for the sequence. :type dirname: str :param dirname: the new directory name :rtype: None """ self._dir = dirname
[docs] def basename(self): """ Return the basename of the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._base
[docs] def setBasename(self, base): """ Set a new basename for the sequence. :type base: str :param base: the new base name :rtype: None """ self._base = base
[docs] def padding(self): """ Return the the padding characters in the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._pad
[docs] def setPadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@" or '%04d', or an empty string to disable range formatting. :type padding: str :rtype: None """ self._pad = padding self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad)
[docs] def frameSet(self): """ Return the :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` of the sequence if specified, otherwise None. :rtype: :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` or None """ return self._frameSet
[docs] def setFrameSet(self, frameSet): """ Set a new :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` for the sequence. :param frameSet: the new :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` object :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = frameSet
[docs] def extension(self): """ Return the file extension of the sequence, including leading period. :rtype: str """ return self._ext
[docs] def setExtension(self, ext): """ Set a new file extension for the sequence. .. note:: A leading period will be added if none is provided. :param ext: the new file extension :rtype: None """ if ext[0] != ".": ext = "." + ext self._ext = ext
[docs] def setExtention(self, ext): """ Deprecated: use :meth:`setExtension`. """ import warnings msg = "the setExtention method is deprecated, please use setExtension" warnings.warn(msg) self.setExtension(ext)
[docs] def frameRange(self): """ Returns the string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.frameRange(self._zfill)
[docs] def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. :param frange: a properly formatted frame range, as per :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange)
[docs] def invertedFrameRange(self): """ Returns the inverse string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.invertedFrameRange(self._zfill)
[docs] def start(self): """ Returns the start frame of the sequence's :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.start()
[docs] def end(self): """ Returns the end frame of the sequences :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.end()
[docs] def zfill(self): """ Returns the zfill depth (ie the number of zeroes to pad with). :rtype: int """ return self._zfill
[docs] def frame(self, frame): """ Return a path go the given frame in the sequence. Integer or string digits are treated as a frame number and padding is applied, all other values are passed though. :Example: >>> seq.frame(1) /foo/bar.0001.exr >>> seq.frame("#") /foo/bar.#.exr :param frame: the desired frame number (int/str) or a char to pass through (ie. #) :rtype: str """ try: zframe = str(int(frame)).zfill(self._zfill) except ValueError: zframe = frame # There may have been no placeholder for frame IDs in # the sequence, in which case we don't want to insert # a frame ID if self._zfill == 0: zframe = "" return "".join((self._dir, self._base, zframe, self._ext))
[docs] def index(self, idx): """ Return the path to the file at the given index. :type idx: int :param idx: the desired index :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return str(self) return self.frame(self._frameSet[idx])
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Allow iteration over the path or paths this :class:`FileSequence` represents. :rtype: generator """ # If there is no frame range, or there is no padding # characters, then we only want to represent a single path if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: yield str(self) return for f in self._frameSet: yield self.frame(f)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allows access via index to the underlying :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. :type idx: int :param idx: the desired index :rtype: int """ return self.index(idx)
[docs] def __len__(self): """ The length (number of files) represented by this :class:`FileSequence`. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: return 1 return len(self._frameSet)
def __str__(self): """ String representation of this :class:`FileSequence`. :rtype: str """ frameSet = str(self._frameSet or "") return "".join(( self._dir, self._base, frameSet, self._pad if frameSet else "", self._ext)) @staticmethod
[docs] def yield_sequences_in_list(paths): """ Yield the discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: generator """ seqs = {} _check = DISK_RE.match for match in ifilter(None, imap(_check, paths)): dirname, basename, frame, ext = match.groups() if not basename and not ext: continue key = (dirname, basename, ext) seqs.setdefault(key, set()) if frame: seqs[key].add(frame) for (dirname, basename, ext), frames in seqs.iteritems(): # build the FileSequence behind the scenes, rather than dupe work seq = FileSequence.__new__(FileSequence) seq._dir = dirname or '' seq._base = basename or '' seq._ext = ext or '' if frames: seq._frameSet = FrameSet(set(imap(int, frames))) if frames else None seq._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(min(imap(len, frames))) else: seq._frameSet = None seq._pad = '' seq.__init__(str(seq)) yield seq
[docs] def findSequencesInList(paths): """ Returns the list of discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: list """ return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(paths))
[docs] def findSequencesOnDisk(dirpath, include_hidden=False): """ Yield the sequences found in the given directory. :param dirpath: directory to scan :type include_hidden: bool :param include_hidden: if true, show .hidden files as well :rtype: list """ # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.') _isfile = os.path.isfile _join = os.path.join # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex files = os.listdir(dirpath) if not include_hidden: files = ifilter(_not_hidden, files) files = (_join(dirpath, f) for f in files) files = ifilter(_isfile, files) return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(files))
[docs] def findSequenceOnDisk(pattern): """ Search for a specific sequence on disk. :Example: >>> findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar#.exr") # or any fileseq pattern :param pattern: the sequence pattern being searched for :rtype: str :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.FileSeqException` if no sequence is found on disk """ seq = FileSequence(pattern) if seq.frameRange() == '' and seq.padding() == '': if os.path.isfile(pattern): return seq patt = seq.format('{dirname}{basename}*{extension}') ext = seq.extension() basename = seq.basename() matches = FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(iglob(patt)) for match in matches: if match.basename() == basename and match.extension() == ext: return match msg = 'no sequence found on disk matching {0}' raise FileSeqException(msg.format(pattern))
[docs] def getPaddingChars(num): """ Given a particular amount of padding, return the proper padding characters. """ if num == 0: return "@" if num % 4 == 0: return "#" * (num // 4) else: return "@" * num
[docs] def getPaddingNum(chars): """ Given a supported group of padding characters, return the amount of padding. :type chars: str :param chars: a supported group of padding characters :rtype: int :raises: ValueError if unsupported padding character is detected """ match = PRINTF_SYNTAX_PADDING_RE.match(chars) if match: return int( try: return sum([PAD_MAP[char] for char in chars]) except KeyError: msg = "Detected an unsupported padding character: \"{}\"." msg += " Supported padding characters: {} or printf syntax padding" msg += " %<int>d" raise ValueError(msg.format(char, str(PAD_MAP.keys())))