Welcome to Encry’s documentation!


General usage outside of python

For help: Just do $ Encry.py –help or –usage

or you can encrypt stuff directly from the command line!

$ Encry.py -e test -d

arg1(-e/-d/-f) - This tells weather or not to encrypt or decrypt (or a file!)

arg2(message) - This is the message/path/to/file you want to encrypt

arg3(-d/-r/-e/-d) - -d(default key/decrypt file) -r(Random key) -e(encrypt file)

You can also view all previous cryptions!

$ Encry.py --display

Changing the strings within Encry

You can customize almost all of the printed strings in Encry!

to get a sample file, type

$ Encry.py --settings

make a copy, and go crazy with it.

the only things you can’t change are the variable names.

Changing settings

Encry.py --settings (setting) (value)

This is the command that can change settings

currently there are 3 values you can alter:

  • enigmafy (True/False) Changes the way the encryption process works (True by default)
  • debug (True/False) Turns on debug mode (False by default)
  • out (path_to_file) Changes the output file to anywhere (with settings file by default)


Please only use true/false variables with enigmafy and debug

Usage inside of python

First of all...

>>> import Encry

there are 3 ways you can use this.

  1. x = Encry.encry(text, key)

    key can be -d, -r, or an actual key then do print x.encrypt() or decrypt()

  2. x = Encry.cryption(indic, text, key)

    This, is more broken, as it goes through the rest of the file

  3. x = doublecrypt(text, key)

    Double encryption and decryption is supported through here

List of Commands

  • --help (Prints the helptext from the settings file)

  • --version (Prints the version number)

  • --usage (Prints the usage text from the settings file)

  • --reset (Erases everything in the output file)

  • --display (Prints everything from the output file)

  • --entry (n) (-e/d/ed/ee) (en/de crypts the given entry in the output file)

  • --setup (Resets the settings, and the config file)
    • --setup -j Joshifies the settings file (installs default StringPack
  • --settings (Prints a sample StringPack for you to create your own)
    • --settings -i (path) installs the file in the path as the current StringPack
    • --settings (setting) (value) see the “Changing settings” subsection
  • --quit (quits the program 49/50 times)

Indices and tables