ecoxipy.pyxom.indexing - Indexing PyXOM Structures

This package is a foundation for indexing ecoxipy.pyxom structures. The abstract base class Indexer establishes an interface for indexing PyXOM structures.

Two mapping implementations are provided to serve as indexes:

For easier implementation of indexers there are some abstract base classes:

Two ready-to-use indexer implementations are provided:

The IndexDescriptor makes index access and deletion more convenient.


First we create a test document:

>>> from ecoxipy import MarkupBuilder
>>> b = MarkupBuilder()
>>> test = b.test(
...'Foo Bar', no_id='d'),
...     id='a'
... )

Here is an example how to use ElementByUniqueAttributeValueIndexer:

>>> indexer = ElementByUniqueAttributeValueIndexer()
>>> index = indexer(test)
>>> len(index) == 3
>>> u'a' in index and index[u'a'] is test
>>> index[u'b'] is test[0] and index[u'c'] is test[-1]
>>> u'd' in index
>>> index = indexer(b[:](b.test0(id='test'), b.test1(id='test')))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: A value for key "test" is already registered

And this is how ElementsByNameIndexer works:

>>> indexer = ElementsByNameIndexer()
>>> index = indexer(test)
>>> len(index) == 3
>>> u'test' in index
>>> list(index[u'test'])[0] is test
>>> u'bar' in index
>>> list(index[u'bar'])[0] is test[-1]
>>> foo_elements = set(index[u'foo'])
>>> len(foo_elements) == 2
>>> foo_elements == {test[0], test[1]}
>>> u'unknown' in index

Abstract Base Classes

class ecoxipy.pyxom.indexing.Indexer[source]

Abstract base class for ecoxipy.pyxom stucture indexers.


Indexes a ecoxipy.pyxom.XMLNode tree.

Parameters:root_node (ecoxipy.pyxom.ContainerNode) – the node to start indexing on
Returns:an index data structure

The following is done for indexing:

  1. new_index() is called to create the index data structure.
  2. For root_node and its descendants on which node_predicate() returns True:
    1. A single item or an iterator of items is obtained by calling extract_items().
    2. The single item or each item of the iterator is registered on the index by calling register().
  3. The index data structure ist returned.

Creates and returns an index data structure.


Determines if node should be used to extract index items from.

Parameters:node (ecoxipy.pyxom.XMLNode) – the node to test
Returns:True if node should be used to extract index items, False otherwise.

Extracts index items from node. An index item is a 2-tuple() with the key as first item and value as second item.

Parameters:node (ecoxipy.pyxom.XMLNode) – the node to extract index items from
Returns:A single index item or an iterator of index items.
register(index, key, value)[source]

Registers value under key on index.

  • index – the index data structure
  • key – the identifier for value
  • value – the value registered under key
class ecoxipy.pyxom.indexing.UniqueValueIndexer[source]

An abstract Indexer base class which uses UniqueValueIndex as the index.


Creates and returns an UniqueValueIndex instance.

register(index, key, node)[source]

Registers value under key by calling register(key, value) on index.

class ecoxipy.pyxom.indexing.MultiValueIndexer[source]

An abstract Indexer base class which uses MultiValueIndex as the index.


Creates and returns a MultiValueIndex instance.

class ecoxipy.pyxom.indexing.AttributeValueIndexer(attribute_name)[source]

An abstract Indexer base class which selects ecoxipy.pyxom.Element nodes that contain an ecoxipy.pyxom.Attribute having a name equal to attribute_name. The index items are those attributes, identified by their value.

Parameters:attribute_name – defines attribute_name

The name of the attributes whose values define the indexing keys.


Returns True if node is an ecoxipy.pyxom.Element instance and has an attribute with name attribute_name, False otherwise.


Returns a 2-tuple() with the value of the attribute with name attribute_name on node as first item and the attribute itself as second item.

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ecoxipy.pyxom.output - Building PyXOM Structures