What not to do?

Each software in order to achieve its goals must sacrifice something (Its the first rule of alchemy), So Djamo sacrifice some features to made its usage easier. Here in this document we will focus on them.

Document class constructor arguments

As you may know the signature of a Document constructor is like:

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # other piece of codes

You must not define any extra argument in a Document() constructor, Because Djamo itself use the constructor in other places with the exact same signature so if you define your own arguments Djamo will malfunction. You have to keep the signature untouched. version 2.67

But I need to define some arguments, What should i do then? It’s easy. You can use **kwargs to store you argument and remove it from **kwargs after that. just like:

class SomeDocument(Document):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.some_property = kwargs.pop("your_argument", None)

        Document(Document, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)


There more than one way but we don’t bother you with the rest.

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