
class decida.Plotterm.Plotterm(parent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: decida.ItclObjectx.ItclObjectx, Tkinter.Frame


Graphical user-interface to plot equation sets.

Plotterm is a graphical user-interface to plot the left-hand-side variables of a set of equations, specified in a text-window in the panel.

Cartesian, parametric, polar or polar-parametric curves can be specified and plotted. The equation set and parameters can be saved to a script which, when invoked, puts up the same Plotterm window.

The DeCiDa application plotter simply instantiates one Plotterm object.

constructor arguments:

parent (Tkinter handle)

handle of frame or other widget to pack plot in. if this is not specified, top-level is created.

**kwargs (dict)


configuration options:

verbose (bool, default=False)

Enable or disable verbose mode

plot_width (str, default=”5i”)

Plot width, specified in Tk inch or pixel units

plot_height (str, default=”5i”)

Plot height, specified in Tk inch or pixel units

plot_type (str, default=”cartesian”)

Plot type: one of “cartesian”, “cartesian-parametric”,
“polar”, or “polar-parametric”
  • Cartesian plots: y vs x, require specification of an x variable to vary, its range, and a y variable.
  • Parametric plots: y(t) vs x(t), require specification of a parameter variable to vary, its range, and x and y variables to plot.
  • Polar plots: r(a) require specification of an angle variable to vary, its range, and a radius variable. x(r,a) and y(r,a) are plotted.
  • Polar-parametric plots: r(t), a(t), require specification of a parameter variable to vary, its range, and angle and radius variables. x(r,a) and y(r,a) are plotted.

sample_type (str, default=”linear”)

Sample type: one of “linear”, or “logarithmic”

  • linear sampling: equally-spaced samples from the minimum to maximum values of the varied variable or parameter
  • logarithmic sampling: the parameter is varied according to (maximum_value/minimum_value)^(i/(number_of_points - 1)), for i in range(0, number_of_points)

xcol (str) (default=”x”)

x-axis column (sweep for caresian plots)

ycol (str) (default=”y”)

y-axis column

acol (str) (default=”a”)

angle column (sweep for polar plots)

rcol (str) (default=”r”)

radius column (for polar and polar-parametric plots)

tcol (str) (default=”t”)

parameter column (sweep for cartesian-parametric and
polar-parametric plots)

npts (int) (default=1000)

number of sample points

min (float) (default=0.0)

minimum of sampling

max (float) (default=5.0)

maximum of sampling

example: (from test_Plotterm)

from decida.Plotterm import Plotterm
Plotterm(ycol="v", xcol="time", equations="v=sin(time*3)")

public methods:

  • public methods from ItclObjectx