Daarmaan Quick Start

At first you should know about SSO systems. By using an SSO service you will have a central authentication and authorization service that users from every other services like a Blog application or a Wiki application easily can authenticate against each other.


Daarmaan is a SSO server that works on top of Django web framework, It supports only webapplication at this time (version 0.2.1). Also there is only a Django client for Daarmaan, of course we have plans to add others clients but until that you can write your own by looking at developers guide.

Daarmaan is based on a Server/Client architecture so at the first step a running Daarmaan server is needed.

Daarmaan Server

Daarmaan is just a well baked python package that need to be implement into a Django project to become a complete SSO server. Enought talking, let’s start to work. Daarmaan provides a Django application for server code, add it to your installed applications:


Now include the main urls module of Daarmaan server application, here is an example:

urlpatterns = patterns('',

    url(r"^", include("daarmaan.server.urls")),
    url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),

Just like any other Django application its time to synchronize your database with your models:

$ python manage.py syncdb

And that is all. You have a Daarmaan server now.

Daarmaan client

Client code also needs to install (That’s obvious you idiot). But before jumping to installation you have to install the Vakhshour application. Client application requires Vakhshour to send events. Here is the instruction for installing client application.

First add the client application to your INSTALLED_APPS:


There is a middleware that will allow Django to authenticate its user against Daarmaan, add the middleware to your application middlewares list:

    # Uncomment the next line for simple clickjacking protection:


Make sure to add the daarmaan.client.middlewares.DaarmaanAuthMiddleware in the exact place as the example above.

Now replace the Django authentication backend with Daarmaan‘s one:


Put the event handler discovery and client urls into your main urls.py module:

from vakhshour.events.discovery import handler_discovery


urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^pages/', include("page.urls")),
    (r'^auth/', include("daarmaan.client.urls", namespace="daarmaan",
    (r'^$', 'exampleproj.views.index'),

In the above code you can see the we added the Vakhsour event handler discovery to allow client application to register its event handlers. Also we take a look at client urls inclusion. There some variables that you should add to your settings.py before using client application:

# Configuring SSO through Daarmaan service
DAARMAAN_SERVER = "http://daarmaan.server"

SERVICE_NAME = "mydomain.com"
SERVICE_KEY = "a simple string representing service key"

LOGOUT_URL = "/auth/logout/"


The last step for using client application is synchronizing database:

$ python manage.py syncdb

Noe your planted the Daarmaan client application in your project and can use SSO service.


You have to be aware of your LOGIN and LOGOUT urls, your should simply use the value of LOGIN_URL and LOUGOUT_URL settings variables in your template for example.

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