:mod:`berry.layers` =================== .. currentmodule:: braid.berry.layers .. toctree:: :hidden: layers/base layers/conv layers/rnn layers/dense layers/pool layers/shape layers/noise .. rubric:: :doc:`layers/base` .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: Layer get_all_aux_params print_layers_summary .. rubric:: :doc:`layers/conv` .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: Convolution2D .. rubric:: :doc:`layers/rnn` .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: RNN .. rubric:: :doc:`layers/pool` .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: MaxPooling2D .. rubric:: :doc:`layers/dense` .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: Dense .. rubric:: :doc:`layers/shape` .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: Flatten .. rubric:: :doc:`layers/noise` .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: Dropout Helper Functions ---------------- Certain layers like :class:`Dropout` require the definition of additional variables like ``p`` which takes on different values during train and test phase. For running any operation on the tensorflow graph (``tf.Graph``), it is necessary to feed in the value to ``p`` variable as well. In order to handle such situations, a convenient function, :func:`get_all_aux_params` is provided which aggregates such variables along with the appropriate values from all the layers according to the train/test phase. For additional clarity on the model definition and in order to verify that the intended architecture is being created, one can use the :func:`print_layers_summary` function to print additional information about the layers. .. autofunction:: get_all_aux_params .. autofunction:: print_layers_summary