Source code for

from BinPy.Gates import *

[docs]class PowerSource: """ Models a Power Source from which various connectors can tap by connecting to it. taps: The list of all connectors connected to this power source. connect(): Takes in one or more connectors as input and connects them to the power source. disconnect(): Takes in one or more connectors as input and disconnects them from the power source. """ def __init__(self): self.taps = []
[docs] def connect(self, *connectors): """Takes in one or more connectors as an input and taps to the power source.""" for connector in connectors: if not isinstance(connector, Connector): raise Exception("Error: Input given is not a connector") else: if len(connector.connections['output']) != 0: raise Exception( "ERROR: The connector is already an output of some other object") self.taps.append(connector) connector.state = 1 connector.tap(self, 'output') connector.trigger()
[docs] def disconnect(self, *connectors): """ Takes in one or more connectors as an input and disconnects them from the power source. A floating connector has a value of None. A message is printed if a specified connector is not already tapping from this source. """ for connector in connectors: if isinstance(connector, Connector): try: self.taps.remove(connector) connector.state = None connector.connections['output'].remove(self) connector.trigger() except: print ( "The specified connector is not tapped to this power source") else: raise Exception("Error: Input given is not a connector")