Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
import time
from itertools import chain
from BinPy import Connector
import threading
import sys

    _V = chr(9474)
    _H = chr(9472)
    _HVD = chr(9488)
    _HVU = chr(9496)
    _VHU = chr(9484)
    _VHD = chr(9492)
    _N = chr(10)
    range = xrange  # This is to make the sampler more efficient in python2
    _V = unichr(9474)
    _H = unichr(9472)
    _HVD = unichr(9488)
    _HVU = unichr(9496)
    _VHU = unichr(9484)
    _VHD = unichr(9492)
    _N = unichr(10)

[docs]class Oscilloscope(threading.Thread): """ Oscilloscope is helpful in visualizing simulations. USAGE: # A clock of 1 hertz frequency clock = Clock(1, 1) clock.start() clk_conn = clock.A bc = BinaryCounter() os1 = Oscilloscope( (bc.out[1],'lsb') , (bc.out[0],'msb')) os1.start() #Triggering the counter: for i in range(5): b.trigger() print (b.state()) os1.stop() os1.display() """ def __init__(self, *inputs): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.MAX_INP = 15 self.WID = 150 self.LEN = 500 self.inputs = [] self.labels = {} self.logicArray = [[]] self.clearLA self.leninputs = 0 = False self.exitFlag = False self.C = "\x1b[0m" if len(inputs) > 0: self.updateInputs(*inputs)
[docs] def clearLA(self): self.logicArray = [ [0 for x in range(self.WID)] for x in range(self.MAX_INP)]
[docs] def setWidth(self, w=150): """ Set the maximum width of the oscilloscope. This is dependent on your current monitor configuration. """ if w in range(50, 300): self.WID = w else: print("ERROR:Invalid width. Width reverted to old value")
[docs] def setScale(self, scale=0.05): """ This decides the time per unit xWidth. To avoid waveform distortion, follow NYQUIST sampling theorem. That is if the least time period of the waveform is T; Set the scale to be greater than T/2 [ preferably T/5 - To avoid edge sampling effects ] There is a lower bound on the scale value [ use trial and error to identify this for your particular PC ] This limitation is set by the processing time taken to set a plot etc. """ self.scale = scale
[docs] def updateInputs(self, *inputs): """ Set inputs using a list of tuples. For example: osc1.setInputs((conn1,"label") , (conn2,"label") ... ) """ self.clear(True) if len(inputs) < 1: raise Exception("ERROR: Too few inputs given.") if len(inputs) > self.MAX_INP - self.leninputs: raise Exception("ERROR: Maximum inputs exceeded") try: for i in inputs: if not (isinstance(i, tuple) and isinstance(i[0], Connector) and isinstance(i[1], str)): raise Exception("ERROR: Invalid input format") except: raise Exception("ERROR: Invalid input format") for i in inputs: lbl = i[1][:5].rjust(5, ' ') if i[0] in self.labels: self.labels[i[0]] = lbl else: self.inputs.append(i[0]) self.labels[i[0]] = lbl self.leninputs = len(self.inputs)
[docs] def disconnect(self, conn): """ Disconnects conn from the inputDict """ self.hold() self.clear(True) self.labels.pop(conn, None) self.inputs.remove(conn) self.leninputs = len(self.inputs)
[docs] def sampler(self, trigPoint): # DEV-note: This is critical part and needs to be highly efficient. # Do not introduce any delay causing element for i in range(self.leninputs): self.logicArray[i][trigPoint] = self.inputs[i].state
[docs] def unhold(self): self.clear(True) = True
[docs] def hold(self): = False
[docs] def clear(self, keepInputs=False): = False try: print("\x1b[0m") except: pass self.clearLA() if not keepInputs: self.inputs = [] self.leninputs = 0
def _trigger(self): while True: if self.exitFlag: sys.exit() while for i in range(self.WID): if not break time.sleep(self.scale) self.sampler(i) self.hold()
[docs] def run(self): self._trigger()
[docs] def kill(self): self.exitFlag = True
[docs] def setColour(self, foreground=1, background=7): """ Acceptable values are: 1 --> RED 2 --> GREEN 4 --> BLUE 7 --> WHITE To RESET call without parameters. Please note that serColor is not supported by all operating systems. This will run without problems on most Linux systems. """ if not foreground and not background: self.C = "\x1b[0m" self.C = "\x1b[3%im\x1b[4%im" % (foreground, background)
[docs] def display(self): self.hold() try: sclstr = "SCALE - X-AXIS : 1 UNIT WIDTH = %s" % str(self.scale) llen = (self.WID + 15) disp = self.C + "=" * llen + \ "\nBinPy - Oscilloscope\n" + "=" * llen disp += _N + sclstr.rjust(llen, " ") + _N + "=" * llen + _N j = 0 for i in range(self.leninputs): conn = self.inputs[i] lA2 = [0] + self.logicArray[i] + [0] lA = [j if j is not None else 0 for j in lA2] disp += " " * 10 + _V + _N disp += " " * 10 + _V + _N disp += " " * 10 + _V + " " for i in range(1, len(lA) - 1): cmpstr = (lA[i - 1], lA[i]) if cmpstr == (1, 0): disp += _HVD elif cmpstr == (1, 1): disp += _H elif cmpstr == (0, 0): disp += " " elif cmpstr == (0, 1): disp += _VHU disp += _N + " " * 3 + self.labels[conn] + " " + _V + " " for i in range(1, len(lA) - 1): cmpstr = lA[i - 1], lA[i] if cmpstr == (1, 0): disp += _V elif cmpstr == (0, 1): disp += _V else: disp += " " disp += _N + " " * 10 + _H + " " for i in range(1, len(lA) - 1): cmpstr = lA[i - 1], lA[i] if cmpstr == (1, 0): disp += _VHD elif cmpstr == (1, 1): disp += " " elif cmpstr == (0, 0): disp += _H elif cmpstr == (0, 1): disp += _HVU disp += _N + " " * 10 + _V + _N disp += " " * 10 + _V + _N disp += _V * llen + _N disp += _H * llen + _N + "\x1b[0m" print(disp) except: print("\x1b[0mERROR: Display error: " + sys.exc_info()[1].args[0])