Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
from BinPy import *
import sys

[docs]class Expr: """ This class is used to parse any expression which contain boolean variables. Input String can be in the form of logical operators which can be parsed to Gates by this class. This is also used to obtain the truth tables" Logical Operator form: Function takes only equation as an input. Gates Form: Needs The variable inputs also as an argument. Examples: >>> from BinPy import * >>> expr = Expr('A & B | C') >>> expr.parse() 'AND(OR(C,B),A)' >>> expr.truthTable() A B C O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 >>> expr = Expr('AND(NOT(A), B)', 'A', 'B') >>> expr.parse() 'AND(NOT(A),B)' >>> expr.truthTable() A B O 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 """ def __init__(self, equation, *var): try: self.no_error = True if len(var) > 0: self.var = list(var) self.equation = equation else: self.var = [] self.equation = self.eqnParse(equation) except: print("Invalid Arguments")
[docs] def parse(self): return self.equation
[docs] def truthTable(self): for i in self.var: print(i, end=" ") print('O') for i in range(0, pow(2, len(self.var))): num = bin(i)[2:].zfill(len(self.var)) num = list(map(int, list(num))) for j in range(len(num)): vars()[self.var[j]] = num[j] print(num[j], end=" ") if j == len(num) - 1: if isinstance(eval(self.equation), GATES): print(eval(self.equation).output()) else: print(eval(self.equation))
[docs] def removeBraces(self, position, equation): """ Removes braces due to clubbing of the gates position indicates the index of the clubbed gate """ eq = equation if position != -1: eq = equation[:position] stack = 0 for i in equation[position:]: if (i == '(') and (stack != -1): stack += 1 eq += i # print i,stack,eq elif (i == ')') and (stack != -1): stack -= 1 if stack == 0: # If the current index corresponds to the ) of the # removed gate. stack = -1 # print i,stack,eq else: eq += i # print i,stack,eq else: eq += i # print i,stack,eq return eq
[docs] def findMatchingBrace(self, position, string): """ Returns the index of the opposite matching brace for the brace at string[position] """ # print eq stack = 0 pos = position if position != -1: if string[pos] != '(': return -1 for i in string[position:]: if (i == '(') and (stack != -1): stack += 1 if (i == ')') and (stack != -1): stack -= 1 if stack == 0: return pos pos += 1 return -1
[docs] def eqnParse(self, eqn, isOperandtype=str.isalpha): # The second parameter is to support the passing of equations for pin class [ only numbers ] # Removes white spaces eqn = eqn.replace(' ', '') equation_final = '' operators = [] # Stack of operators operands = [] # Stack of operands flag = False i = 0 while i < len(eqn): # print eqn[i] if not self.no_error: break if eqn[i] in ['~', '&', '|', '^']: if flag: operands.append(eqn[i - 1]) flag = False operators.append(eqn[i]) elif eqn[i] == '(': if flag: print('ERROR: Equation error at ' + eqn[i - 1:i + 1]) no_error = False break pos = self.findMatchingBrace(i, eqn) if pos == -1: print ('ERROR: Equation error - Unmatched braces') no_error = False break tmp = self.eqnParse(eqn[i + 1:pos]) operands.append(tmp) i = pos elif isOperandtype(eqn[i]): if flag: # 2 letter operand [ eg 12 --> corresponds to PIN 12 ] operands.append(eqn[i - 1:i + 1]) flag = False else: flag = True # Check if the operand is a two letter operand, in the next # iteration. else: print ('ERROR: Unrecognized characters in equation ' + eqn[i]) self.no_error = False i += 1 if flag: operands.append(eqn[-1]) flag = False if not self.no_error: return self.var = operands[:] while len(operators) > 0: operator = operators.pop() if operator == '~': operands.append('NOT(' + operands.pop() + ')') elif operator == '&': operands.append( 'AND(' + operands.pop() + ', ' + operands.pop() + ')') elif operator == '|': operands.append( 'OR(' + operands.pop() + ', ' + operands.pop() + ')') elif operator == '^': operands.append( 'XOR(' + operands.pop() + ', ' + operands.pop() + ')') equation_final = operands.pop() # Optimizing the final equation by clubbing the gates together: unoptimized = True while unoptimized: unoptimized = False pos = equation_final.find('NOT(AND(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('NOT(AND(', 'NAND(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final pos = equation_final.find('NOT(OR(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('NOT(OR(', 'NOR(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final pos = equation_final.find('NOT(XOR(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('NOT(XOR(', 'XNOR(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final pos = equation_final.find('AND(AND(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('AND(AND(', 'AND(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final pos = equation_final.find('OR(OR(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('OR(OR(', 'OR(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final pos = equation_final.find('XOR(XOR(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('XOR(XOR(', 'XOR(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final pos = equation_final.find('NAND(NAND(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('NAND(NAND(', 'NAND(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final pos = equation_final.find('NOR(NOR(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('NOR(NOR(', 'NOR(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final pos = equation_final.find('XNOR(XNOR(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('XNOR(XNOR(', 'XNOR(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final pos = equation_final.find('NAND(AND(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('NAND(AND(', 'NAND(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final pos = equation_final.find('NOR(OR(') if pos != -1: unoptimized = True equation_final = equation_final[ :pos] + equation_final[pos:].replace('NOR(OR(', 'NOR(', 1) equation_final = self.removeBraces(pos, equation_final) # print equation_final return equation_final if self.no_error else None