Source code for BinPy.Algorithms.ImplementBooleanFunction

from ExpressionConvert import *
from QuineMcCluskey import *
import sys

[docs]def ImplementBooleanFn(): ''' An interactive function which takes in minterms/maxterms and prints the Boolean Function and implementable form. Don't Care Conditions can also be provided (optional) Eg: Enter the list of variables A,B,C Do you want to enter minterms (m) or maxterms(M)? m Enter list of minterms 1,4,7 Enter list of Don't Care terms Enter X if there are none 2,5 The logical expression is (((NOT B) AND C) OR (A AND C) OR (A AND (NOT B))) Can be implemented as OR(AND(NOT(B), C), AND(A, C), AND(A, NOT(B))) ''' Ones = [] dont_care = [] variables = input("Enter the list of variables\n") variables = variables.split(',') choice = input("Do you want to enter minterms (m) or maxterms(M)?\n") while(True): if choice == 'm': Ones = input("Enter list of minterms\n") Ones = Ones.split(',') for i in range(len(Ones)): Ones[i] = int(Ones[i]) if Ones[i] >= pow(2, len(variables)): raise Exception("Error: Invalid Minterm") break elif choice == 'M': Zeros = input("Enter list of maxterms\n") Zeros = Zeros.split(',') for i in range(len(Zeros)): Zeros[i] = int(Zeros[i]) if Zeros[i] >= pow(2, len(variables)): raise Exception("Error: Invalid Maxterm") for i in range(pow(2, len(variables))): if i not in Zeros: Ones.append(i) break else: choice = input('''Invalid choice... Enter either m or M to choose. Press X to exit\n''') if choice == 'X': sys.exit() else: continue dont_care = input( "Enter list of Don't Care terms\nEnter X if there are none\n") if dont_care != 'X': dont_care = dont_care.split(',') for i in range(len(dont_care)): dont_care[i] = int(dont_care[i]) else: dont_care = None qm = QM(variables) if dont_care is not None: LogicalExpression = qm.get_function(qm.solve(Ones, dont_care)[1]) else: LogicalExpression = qm.get_function(qm.solve(Ones)[1]) GateForm = convertExpression(LogicalExpression) print("The logical expression is " + LogicalExpression) print("Can be implemented as " + GateForm)