****************************** Autonomous Robot Simulator ****************************** .. Welcome to ARS's documentation! =============================== .. note:: This software and its documentation are currently under development so they will be subject to changes. Contributions are welcome! .. :Release: |version| :Date: |today| Introduction ==================== Welcome! This is the documentation of ARS |version|, last updated on |today|. ARS is written in a marvelous programming language called `Python `_. One of the many features that make it great (and popular) is its documentation. Taking that into consideration, many sections herein were taken from the `official Python documentation `_. So simple ---------- To create and run your first simulation, a few lines of code are enough! Execute the following script (press key ``q`` or ``e`` to end the simulation) :: from ars.app import Program class FallingBall(Program): def create_sim_objects(self): # add_sphere's arguments: radius, center, density self.sim.add_sphere(0.5, (1, 10, 1), density=1) sim_program = FallingBall() sim_program.start() sim_program.finalize() .. Old example ==================== .. This is a tutorial introduction to quickly get you up and running with your own sphinx documentation system. We'll cover installing sphinx, customizing the look and feel, using custom extensions for embedding plots, inheritance diagrams, syntax highlighted ipython sessions and more. If you follow along the tutorial, you'll start with nothing and end up with this site -- it's the bootstrapping documentation tutorial that writes itself! Official website -------------------- The repository is hosted at `BitBucket `_ where you will find the `source code `_ and the `issue tracker `_. We would love that you request features or improvements for ARS. Also, bug reports are more than welcome. Because we like the Python community and the tools they use, it is `registered in PyPI `_ (Python Package Index). Although useful for organizing packages, the main benefit is to be able to install (and upgrade) ARS using the ``pip`` program. It takes just 3 words: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install ARS (well, you might have to prepend ``sudo`` if you are using Linux and running as a user without the required priveges. Bummer, that's 4 words now...) For support, check the `Google group `_ and join if you want to post a message. Releases ---------- .. include:: releases.rst News ---------- What has happened lately... .. https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/#news Contents ========== .. include:: contents.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`